
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 31

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 31
north of it. To the south of HofsjökuII it is 1200—2000 mm/year and 600—800 mm/year at the north side (Sigfúsdóttir 1976). There is no reason to expect the main rain- carrying wind direction to have been mark- edly different in Glacial and Lateglacial time from the present one. At that time the main ice sheet was much more extensive than the glaciers of today. The northern winds were much dryer than they are today because of a widespread sea ice cover to the north of Ice- land. Consequently the difference in precipitation between northern and southern Iceland was still greater in Glacial and Late- glacial time than it is now. On the base of tephrocronological studies Thorarinsson (1956 and 1964a) has proved that 2500 years ago, some small, steep glaciers on high mountains reached their maximum ex- tent. These glaciers are supposed to have exis- ted before the climatic deterioration. Like all the large ice-caps in Iceland, the present Hofsjökull is supposed to have started to form during the cold period that began 2500 years ago, i.e. in Subatlantic time. The ice caps did not reach their maximum extent until about 1890. Since about 1920 Hofsjökull has retreated constantly along the north margin except for a small tongue northwest of Mikla- fell (Fig. 1). The main problem encountered in these investigations was to determine the age of the end moraines. As pointed out earlier, the vegetation in this area is very sparse, so material for dating of the moraines is com- pletely lacking. Down in the valleys it should be possible to find marine shells from a higher sea level, but in spite of intensive searching no shells have been found (Víkingsson 1976). The ice is supposed to have retreated from the Skagafjördur valleys in Alleröd time (■Einarsson 1967, Víkingsson 1976, 1978). There- fore, two possibilities can be considered as to the age of the moraines north and northeast of Hofsjökull: 1. The Raudhólar moraine dates from Younger Dryas and the seven others from Pre-Boreal time. 2. No remnants of the end morains from Younger Dryas are left in this area, and all eight moraines are of Pre- Boreal age. At this stage it is not possible to decide which one of these two statements is true. The only possible solution of this pro- blem is to correlate this area with other inves- tigated areas which is a task for future studies. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The field work on which this paper is based was mostly carried out in the summers 1974 and 1975, partly in connection with hydropower investigations of the National Energy Authority (N.E.A.), andpartly for a Cand. Real. thesis at the University of Bergen (Kaldal 1976). The work was financed by the N.E.A. and the University of Bergen. The author wishes to express her special gratitute to Professor Björn G. Andersen at the University of Bergen and Professor Thorleifur Einarsson at the University of Icelandfor their interest and guidance during the field work and preparation of the thesis, and also to all others who have contributed to the work by inspiring discussion. REFERENCES Einarsson, Th. 1967: Zu der Ausdehnung der Weichelzeitlichen Vereisung Nordislands. Sonderveröff. Geol. Inst. Univ. Köln 13: 167-173. Kaldal, I. 1967: Kvartærgeologiske undersök- elser i omrádet nord og nordöst for Hofs- jökull, Nord-Island. Unpublished Cand.Real. thesis, University of Bergen, 92 pp. Kaldal, I. and S. Víkingsson 1978: Jökulsár í Skagafirði. I. Jarðfræði. Orkustofnun raf- orkudeild, OS-ROD-7805, 33 pp. Kjartansson, G. 1943: Árnesinga Saga. Yfirlit og jarðsaga. Reykjavík, Árnesingafélagið. 250 pp. Kjartansson, G. 1955: Fróðlegar jökulrákir. (Studies on glacial striæ in Iceland). Nátt- úrufræðingurinn 25: 154—171. Kjarlansson, G. 1965: Jarðfræðikort af Islandi. Blað 5, Mið-ísland. (Geological Map of Iceland. Sheet 5, Central Iceland) Reykja- vík, Menningarsjóður. JÖKULL 28. ÁR 29
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