
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 38

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 38
Fig. 5. A Z anomaly over the southern por- tion of Geitafell gabbro and adjacent Hof- fellsjökull sandur, anomalies in gamma (arbi- trary datum). Mynd 5. Jafnsegulsviðskort (A Z) af suðurhluta Geitafells og sandinum sunnan gabbróinnskotsins; mœlieining segulsviðsins er gamma. east. Annels (1967) and Newman (1967) desc- ribed this gabbro and outlined its boundaries. Magnetic AZ profiles (a-o, Fig. 5) have been measured over the exposed gabbro and the sandur to the west and south in order to define the southerly extension of the gabbro below the sandur. The magnetic measurements, supple- mented by some vertical gradient determin- ations, show the bulk of the Geitafell gabbro to be reversely magnetized, partly with strong intensities. Detailed drilling was carried out across the strongly magnetized zone along the ca. 1 km long profile D and also profile E, which extends into the plateau basalt area (Fig. 4). In all 139 sun compass oriented and 98 semi-oriented drill samples have been taken from every dyke and sheet along the two profiles, with a minimum of three oriented samples at each sampling site. About 25 mag- netically oriented handsamples have also been taken from the gabbro for combined geochemical and magnetomineralogical ana- lysis. The orientation and age relationships of the traversed dykes have been investigated. Relative ages can be summarized: An old sys- tem of basic dykes has been cut by acid dykes containing angular fragments of the gabbro. The acid dykes were subsequently cut by two generations of basic dykes. Some of the latter have a doleritic appearance and probably fall under Annels’ (1967) term “brown doleritic dykes”. A still younger generation of basic dykes with porphyritic texture is discernible at a few places, for example outside the gabbro proper in the Midfellsgil canyon, where sampling has also been undertaken. The northern portion of Geitafell gabbro has not been sampled, but sampling is plan- ned. Fig. 5 shows the location of magnetic profi- les and the anomaly pattern found. An ex- tremely strong negative AZ anomaly over the southern tip of the gabbro outcrop is the dominant feature of the map. The anomaly extends approximately 500 m to the southeast of the outcrop. In a northerly direction, the negative anomaly diminishes in amplitude, and correlation between profiles is difficult. Topographic effects become very strong and allow only tentative contouring. The magnetic measurements in their topographic setting show that by and large the investigated gab- bro has a reverse magnetization, locally very strong. This means that the induced magneti- zation must be small compared to the remanent magnetization. This was confirmed by laboratory measurements on the samples drilled. The paleomagnetic results necessary to aid in the structural interpretation are presented in Fig. 6, whereas the magneto- mineralogical investigations will be dealt with elsewhere (Schönharting, in prep.). Nearly all the gabbro samples exhibit 36 JÖKULL 28. ÁR
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