
Jökull - 01.12.1978, Síða 39

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Síða 39
Fig. 6. Magnetization variation along sampling profiles D and E, southern Geitafell gabbro. Jnrm: natural remanent magneti- zation, K: susceptibility, Q,,: Q_ ratio of Koenigsberger, S200: “stability”, = intensity after AF demagnetization in 200 Oe field, divided by Jnrm, INC: “stable” inclination of remanence, DEC: “stable” declination of remanence. Mynd 6. Breytingar í segulsvibi eftir mœlilínum D og E í Geitafelli. Jnrm: upprunaleg segulmögnun, K: segulhrifstuðull, Q^: Königsbergerhlutfall, S200: stöðugleiki segulmögnunarinnar eftir afsegulmögnun með riðstraumi í 200 Ö sviði deilt með styrk upp- runalegrar segulmögnunar, INC: halli segulstefnu sýnis, DEC: misvísun segulstefnu sýnis. reverse magnetizations, even those from the southeasterly zone where positive anomaly values exist over the gabbro outcrop. Inten- sities of the natural remanent magnetization reach a maximum of 95 X 10-3emu/cc over the area of maximum magnetic anomaly. Much lower values are recorded on both sides of the magnetization maximum averaging about 6X 10-3emu/cc. This conforms with the distribution of the AZ magnetic anomaly. The zone of strong magnetization represents about 15% of the volume of the investigated gabbro and indicates special emplacement or cooling conditions. Suscep- tibilities reflect the intensity variations to a minor degree. The Q ratio (between the natural remanence and the induced magneti- zation) is always larger than unity and has a mean value of 4.5. Stable remanence directions were almost always obtained after AF-demagnetization procedure, using the demagnetization equip- ment and the P.A.R. spinner magnetometer at the Geophysics Institute, Copenhagen. Usu- ally 75 Oe were sufficient to cancel a viscous normal component and to obtain stable reverse directions. For fields larger than 600 Oe directions of magnetization of most samp- les became unstable, resulting in irregular fluctuations of directions. Therefore directions for 200 Oe field amplitude have been plotted in Fig. 6. Mean values for the inclination and declin- ation of the gabbro from profile D are —62° and 247° respectively (Fisher’s precision parameter k = 55, and cone of confidence a95 = 6.8°). This deviation from the values for a reversed central axial dipole can partly be explained by a tilting of the gabbro after cooling by some 35° towards NW which con- forms with the dip of the plateau basalts around the gabbro (Annels 1967). A mean declination of 188° and a mean inclination of —60° were obtained after cor- rection for a 35° northwesterly tilt. The value of the inclination is significantly too shallow for a central axial dipole field. The effects of the demagnetizing field of the gabbro on the thermoremanent magnetization and the secular variation of the earth’s magnetic field must be considered as well. Cooling of the gabbro at temperatures around 500° to 540 °C (the interval between blocking temperatures and Curie temperatures of magnetite) proce- eded so rapidly (timespan probably below a few hundred years) that averaging out of the secular variation could not take place. It is noteworthy, however, that both too shallow inclinations and easterly declinations have been found to be quite common for plateau basalts within zeolite zones in E-Iceland (Watkins and Walker, 1977). Some declinations and inclinations, parti- JÖKULL 28. ÁR 37
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