
Jökull - 01.12.1978, Page 42

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Page 42
Thrudmar Sigurdsson, Midfell farm, gave permission to establish a camp on his land. G.P.L. Walker, London, inlroduced one of us (G.S.) to the Geitafell area andgave valuable advice about the geology. Th. Sigurgeirsson, University of Iceland, furthered the project with fruitful dis- cussions. Magnetization determinations and AF demagneti- zation have been performed at the Paleomagnetic Laboratory of the Geophysics Institute in Copenhagen. We would like to thank S. Lauge Petersen, who took part in the survey for assistance in laboratory measurements and drawings. T.C.R. Pulvertaft read the manuscript and improved the language. A grantfrom the Danish Natural Science Research Council covered the costs of the survey (grant J.Nr.5ll — 6633) and the Icelandic Research Council gave permission for the field work in Iceland. REFERENCES Ade-Hall, J.M. and the Scientific Party, DSDP leg 37, 1975: Sources of magnetic anomalies on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Nature 255: 499-500. Angenheister, G., N. Petersen and G. Schönharting, 1977: Zur Interpretation der Anomalien des Erdmagnetfeldes in Island. — Ein Bei- trag zur Interpretation der Streifenmuster der Magnetfeld-Anomalien in den Ozeanen. Fortschr. Miner. 54: 54—92. Annels, A.E., 1967: The geology of the Horna- fjördur region, SE Iceland, Ph.D.thesis, University of London. Bleil, U. and N. Petersen, 1977: Magnetic properties of basement rocks, leg 37. site 332, in: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 37. Government Printing Office, Washington. Cargill, H.K., L. Hawkes andJ.A. Ledeboer, 1928: The major intrusions of south-eastern Iceland. Quart. J., Geol.Soc., London 84: 505—539. Gale, N.H., S. Moorbath, J. Simmons and G.P.L. Walker, 1966: K-Ar ages of acid intrusive rocks from Iceland. Earth Planet.Sci.Let- ters. 7:284-288. Jónsson,J., 1954: Outline of the geology of the 40 JÖKULL 28. ÁR Hornafjördur region. Geogr. Ann., 36: 146—161. Krisljansson, L., 1972: On the thickness of the magnetic crustal layer in south-western Iceland. Earth Planet.Sci.Letters 16: 237-244. Kristjansson, L. and N. D. Watkins, 1977: Magnetic studies of basalt , fragments recovered by deep drilling in Iceland, and the “magnetic layer” concept. Earth Planet.Sci.Letters 34: 365 — 374. Newman, C.M., 1967: The geology of some ig- neous intrusions in the Hornafjördur region of SE Iceland. Ph.D. thesis, University of Manchester. Palmason, G., 1971: Crustal structure of Ice- land from explosion seismology. Soc. Sci. Islandica, 40, 187 pp. Reykjavik. Schönharting, G., 1969: Vermessung des erd- magnetischen Feldes lángs einiger Profile in Nord-Island, deren Auswertung und Interpretation-. Diss.Ludw.Max. Univ,- Munchen. Talwani, M., C.C. Windisch and M.G. Langseth, 1971: Reykjanes ridge crest: A detailed geophysical study. J. Geophys.Res., 76: 473—517. Vine, F.J. and D.H. Matthews, 1963: Magnetic anomalies over oceanic ridges. Nature, 199: 947-949. Walker, G.P.L., 1975: Intrusive sheet swarms and the ideritity of crustal layer 3 in Ice- land. J.Geol.Soc., 131: 143—161. Watkins, N.D. and G.P.L. Walker, 1977: Magnetostratigraphy of eastern Iceland. Am. Jour. Sci. 277: 513—584. Manuscript received January 1978 ÁGRIP MÆLING OG TÚLKUN SEGULSVIÐSFRÁVIKA VIÐ GABBRÓINNSKOT1 A USTUR-SKAFTA FELLSSÝSL U I segulsviðsmælingum, sem framkvæmdar voru á jörðu niðri við gabbróinnskotin í
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