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Jökull - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 58

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 58
fore that the rock glaciers are relict Breida- merkurjökull ice surviving under a thick debris cover. In addition there is no evidence that the rock glaciers are of the so-called 'transitional type’, i. e. a continuum from a heavily debris-laden cirque glacier to ice- cored moraines to rock glaciers described by Foster and Holmes (1965) in Alaska. Thus the superimposed arcuate ridges of the rock glaciers are not simply closed spaced ice-cored terminal moraine ridges. Furthermore the mean annual temperature of the rock glacier site is +1°C with a yearly precipitation of at least 1700 mm (extrapolation from data from Fagurhólsmýri, 30 km to the south-west, in Eythorsson and Sigtryggsson 1971). Rock glaciers with a glacier ice-core are rare in maritime environments such as Esjufjöll and are more commonly found in areas of more continental regime of lower precipitation such as the Ak- ureyri area in Northern Iceland (Whalley 1974). The alternate possibility that both the rock glacier and glacierette are relict and date from the late Neoglacial climatic deterioration, that in Iceland extended from c. 1150 to 1900 AD, is unlikely. The site of the rock glacier lobes and the glacierette is 200 m below the present regional snowline and the north easterly aspect of the site is clearly of importance in the formation of the rock glaciers and glacierette. Around the North Atlantic, snow patches survive in favourable locations up to 450 m below the firn line (Manley 1949) and it is likely that the rock glacier lobes at Eyjafjöll have formed by the dumping of large volumes of debris onto snowpatches below very active easily eroded backwalls. Wahrhaftig and Cox (1959) have stressed the importance of easily weathered bedrock lithologies in deforming the location of rock glaciers. Immediately outside the limits of the rock glacier lobes (Fig. 2) an old protalus rampart composed of large boulders can be identified over which the rock glacier lobes are encroaching. .This would suggest that the ice-core of the lobes is snow bank ice, a remnant of a much larger snow patch or a glacierette that extended out to the protalus rampart and was subsequently buried by scree. This would explain the un- usual maritime development of rock glaciers at Esjufjöll. ÁGRIP ÞELAURÐIR I ESJUFJÖLLUM Höfundur lýsir þelaurðum (grjótjöklum) við Steinþórsfell austan í Skálabjörgum í Esjufjöllum (sjá myndir). Þelaurðir eru al- gengar á Norðurlandi, t. d. á Tröllaskaga, en sjaldgæfar sunnanlands. I Esjufjöllum sunn- antil er meðalhiti árs um 1 °C. Telur höfundur ólíklegt að þelaurðirnar hafi myndast á síð- astliðnum öldum þegar kaldara var en nú. Hann telur að fannir eða ís úr Breiðamerkur- jökli hafi grafist undir urð. REFERENCES Corte, A. E. 1976: Rock glaciers. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny 26: 175—198. Eythorsson, J. and H. Sigtryggsson 1971: The climate and weather of Iceland. Zoology of Iceland 1 (3) Munksgaard, Copenhagen. Foster, H. L. and G. W. Holmes 1965: A large transitional rock glacier in the Johnson River area, Alaska Range. United States Geological Survey Professional paper 525 B ppB 112-1. Manley, G. 1949: The snow line in Britain. Geogr. Ann. 31: 179—193. Sigbjarnarson, G. 1970: On the recession of Vatnajökull. Jökull 20: 50—61. Wahrhaftig, C. andA. Cox 1959: Rock glaciers in the Alaska Range. Geological Society of America, Bulletin. 86: 737 — 748. Whalley, W. B. 1974: Rock glaciers and their formation. Geographical papecs no. 24. Department of Geography, University of Reading, U. K. 60 pp. Manuscript received September 1978. 56 JÖKULL 28. ÁR
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