
Jökull - 01.12.1978, Side 101

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Side 101
by an E—W trending zone of weakness in the lower crust. Large earthquakes (M < 7.5) occur either as individual main shocks or in sequences, where a large earthquake in the eastern part of the epicentral zone is followed by large but smal- ler earthquakes which migrate westwards along the seismic zone. Surface fractures strike N or NE and indi- cate right lateral movement. The elongated destruction zones suggest rather shallow origin of earthquakes, not deeper than 15 km. Maximum intensity in the epicentral region of the largest historic earthquakes is estimated XI on the MM scale. Intensity X may occur anywhere within the epicentral zone. Maximum stress is horizontal and has a direction between N30E and N70E. Minimum stress is also horizontal, transverse to the volcanic zones on both sides. This stress system is present throughout the seismic zone, even in close proximity to the volcanic zones. Inside the volcanic zones, however, maximum stress becomes vertical and results in normal faulting. BOILING GEOTHERMAL RESERVOIRS Sveinbjörn Björnsson, Science Institute, University of Iceland In boiling geothermal reservoirs rock tem- perature is determined by the boiling temper- ature of the reservoir fluid and follows the boiling curve with depth. These reservoirs have generally been looked upon as hot water systems close to boiling but in reality they are two—phase systems of water and steam or even three phase systems of water, steam and gas. After boiling is initiated in a rising column of geothermal fluid, gas and steam ascend faster than the water. The volume fraction of steam remains small in the lower part of the column but may exceed 70% at higher levels where impermeable rocks impede steam flow to the surface. Steam condenses under the impermeable rocks and the condensed water drains downward along narrower channels against the ascending steam which dominates the wider permeable channels in the reservoir rock. This type of flow has been named “one dimensional convection”. SIGALDA HYDRO-POWER SITE, GROUNDWATER PATTERN AND IMPOUNDING OF RESERVOIR Davíd Egilsson, National Energy Authority In the Sigalda area the postglacial Tungnaá lavas flank the móberg ridges. The scoriaceous zones at the top and bottom of each lava flow constitute good aquifers. The groundwater basin upstream from Sigalda is fed by two main streams, one seeping out of the móberg bedrock from the east and the other from the southeast. The reservoir basin is mostly cov- ered with deposits of lacustrine clays from a previously existing lake (Krókslón). At the eastern edge of the clay deposits, there is a horizon of springs fed from the underlying móberg. Yet, a part of the seeping water from the east is suppressed underneath the clayey sediments and conducted along the interbeds and scoria of the lavas THb, THC, and TH( into the lava field west of the reservoir area. There the two streams are intermixed and at least partly appear as springs in the Sigalda canyon. The groundwater pattern described above is interrupted by the impounding of the reservoir as it impedes inflow of groundwater into the basin thereby causing backwater effect in the móberg. Leakage of reservoir water out of the basin occurs primarily through the margin of the THh lava and parts of the river bottom and is conveyed along scoriaceous zones and interbeds of the lavas (such as tephra layer H4). Combined these factors cause rising of groundwater level west JÖKULL 28. ÁR 99
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