
Jökull - 01.12.1978, Síða 108

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Síða 108
south of Hvalfjördur of Mammoth age. This interpretation is consistent with aeromagnetic survey results and stratigraphic correlation with dated formations in Borgarfjördur. The rate of lava extrusion in the Esja area, about 2.4 km thickness/M.y., is unusually high, and more details of geomagnetic and glacial events might be recorded here than in other contem- poraneous formations in Iceland. CHEMICAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN HYDROTHERMAL FLUID AND BASALTIC ROCKS IN THE KRAFLA GEOTHERMAL AREA Hrefna Kristmannsdóttir and Jan Swantesson, National Energy Authority The chemical exchange during hydrother- mal alteration in the Krafla geothermal area is evaluated on the basis of analyses of the major and some of the trace elements in drill cuttings from the main rock formations. Similar studies have been carried out previosly in a few other Icelandic geothermal areas. A rather slight change could be demonstrated there in the relative contents of major elements. The rocks were highly hydrated and locally en- riched or depleted in silica and the most mobile elements of the basalts. A more sig- nificant change in composition of rocks was observed in areas with saline geothermal fluids than in the others. The effects of chemical exchanges could become somewhat modified due to the method of sampling the rock chips during drilling. A slow total out- wash from the rocks during alteration is indi- cated by the low content of dissolved solids in the non-saline geothermal fluid. Mineralogi- cal studies suggest a mobilization of most elements in the basalts. The effects of chemical exchanges during hydrothermal alteration appear to be considerable in the Krafla area. Mg and the alkalies show the most significant changes. Mg increases in the upper levels of the section, whereas the alkalies are depleted. For Si02, Fe and Ca a strong mobility is demonstrated during tjne hydrothermal alter- ation. No general pattern of enrichment or depletion could be shown for these elements. THREE LARGE FISSURE ERUPTIONS ON THE SE VOLCANIC ZONE, S-ICELAND Gudrún Larsi.i, Nordic Volcanological Institute Two large fissure swarms on the SE volcanic zone seem to erupt large amounts of magma at fairly regular interval of 600—800 years each. A major eruption can be expected within the next 150 years. In the period between 850 and 1600 A.D. three large eruptions took place in this area. Two of them, dating back to the 9th and 16th centuries respectively, erupted on parallel NE—SE trending fissures, the Vatnaöldur and Veidivötn eruptive fissures, the SW part of which lie within the caldera of the Torfa- jökull volcanic complex. Both eruptions pro- duced voluminous tephra layers and small lavas. A rather abrupt change in composition of the magma is observed where the fissures cut the Torfajökull volcanic complex. In the lOth century there was a major eruption in Eldgjá producing both tephra and lava. The lava fields Medallandshraun, Landbrotshraun and, in part, Alftavershraun seem to be of the same age as the Eldgjá tephralayer. If that proves correct all the Eld- gjá fissure may have erupted simultaneously and the material produced is of the same order of magnitude as that of the Lakagígar erup- tion in 1783. 106 JÖKULL 28. ÁR
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