
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 111

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 111
of ice advance in Melasveit, are thought to represent the Upper- and Lower Dryas. ON THE FORMATION OF “RAUDIMELUR” ON THE REYKJANES PENINSULA Freysteinn Sigurdsson, National Energy Aut.hority, Sigurdur G. Tómasson, National Energy Authority In the hydrogeological survey for the Sud- urnes Regional Heating Service (Hitaveita Suðurnesja) some observations were made at Raudimelur — an uplifted bar, now situated 10 km inland and surrounded and partly flooded by recent lavas — because of possible pollution from gravel mining and other work in progress there. The bar is approximately 5—20 m thick, rests on striated interglacial lava and reaches 30 m height above present sea level. The formation can be divided into five stratigraphical units numbered upwards: 1. Striated interglacial lava, forming the base. 2. Sand and gravel, often cross bedded, pos- sibly outwash from the nearby Stapafell, a subglacial volcano. 3. Tillite and lava, both striated. 4. Gravel of uncertain place of origin. 5. Coarse gravel or boulder bed, possibly originated in the recent Lágafell shield volcano. On the basis of the section and its connec- tion with volcanic formations on the penin- sula it is suggested that the age of the Raudi- melur bar is pleistocene (1—4)/holocene (5). In addition to the evidence of Raudimelur, observations were made on littoral deposits on recent lavas at 8—10 m height above the present sea level and a model constructed of the fluctuation of the sea level which indicates a regional postglacial transgression. SOME GEODETIC OBSERVATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE KRAFLA RIFTING EPISODE IN 1975-1977 Oddur Sigurdsson, National Energy Authority A 5 km long line within the graben, formed in Dec. 1975 in the Axarfjördur area 40 km north of the Krafla caldera, showed signifi- cant changes from 1962 to 1976. The wes- ternmost 1 km is inclined 103 uradians to the east, the next 4 km have a more gentle dip in various directions. Other parts of the graben had no remeasurable points or bench marks. A line of bench marks running obliquely to the Krafla fissure swarm and touching it at the coast in Axarfjördur, shows a 60 cm greater uplift close to the northern end than the southernmost part. At the southern end of this line there are several precision levelling profi- les, that show changes of about 3 uradians to the SSW between the years 1974 and 1976, the profiles being practically undistrubed 1971 to 1974. A net of 14 stations, determining the relation between the level of lake Mývatn and the bedrock, show more than 30 cm relative uplift in the easternmost part during 1977, mainly in two episodes, namely April 27 and Sept. 8 coinciding with small eruptions and earthquake swarms. A NEW TILTMETER Sigurjón Sindrason and Halldór Ólafsson, Nordic Volcanological Institute Tilt variations down to 10-7 rad. can be detected with a new tiltmeter designed at the Nordic Volcanological Institute following suggestions from Ævar Jóhannesson. The sensors are 4 magnetic field sensitive resistors. These detect movements of a magnet suspended in a pendulum 0.5 mm over the resistors. The prototype was installed in the Krafla JÖKULL 28. ÁR 109
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