Iðjuþjálfinn - 01.06.2000, Side 36
their profession in different countries
because of its pan-European nature. This
spirit underlines the programme and
will as such inspire students, staff mem-
bers and institutions towards interna-
tional co-operation. The degree intent to
stimulate research and quality assurance
of OT in Europe, as each student will
gain experience in managing his or her
own research project. Work at a doctora-
te level is considered essential to future
research, and master's degree qu-
alifications are a prerequisite for that.
Courage, knowledge, fantasy
and vision?
In the first planning period in 1994 and
1995 we were without extemal funding.
The involved institutions supported the
project with costs for travel and accomm-
odation. The external support came from
Erasmus now Socrates from the fall 96.
The engagement in the group and the
ability to adapt views carried the project
through many ups and downs. Most
course development teams would be
able to meet more often. From the 5 ye-
ars of planning the most important ex-
periences are that:
• faith and trust in each other, and a big
work capability is necessary
• support from management level, both
morally and economical is important
• support from the staff is a prerequisite
• estimation of the market situation is
• qualified teachers with master and
ph.d. levels are needed
• management including PR, IT, Quality
Assurance is crucial
• courage to go through a rigorous vali-
dation procedure is necessary
But the most important experience is
that in such a project you need to use all
your courage, knowledge, fantasy and
Concluding remarks
We were very happy to start the first
course in September 1999 in Stockholm.
The opening ceremony was held in the
Nobel Building at Karolinska Institutet
in a very good atmosphere. We are sure
that this first course will be satisfactory
for the students who have joined us in
this 'laboratory' for development of
Occupational Therapy Theory. We are
sure that they will be skilled in mana-
gement and research regarding the rela-
tion between occupation and health, and
occupational Therapy practice. We are
sure that we shall see their theses in
national and intemational joumals in the
year 01. We hope that the interest for the
next course will be large.
The final date for application is lst
of March in 2000.
For further information:
Please contact
and ulla.runge@naestergfys.dk.
The address is
Hogeschool van Amsterdam,
Institute of Occupational Therapy, Ms.
Astrid Kinébanian, M.Sc. P.O.Box 2557,
1000 CN Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
We owe debts to many individuals but
here we give special thanks to the supp-
ort from Peter Aspelin, Stockholm, Arjan
Bakker, Amsterdam, Lena Borel, Stock-
holm, Hanneke van Bruggen, Amster-
dam, Cor Segeren, Nijmegen and Ann-
elise Kristensen, Naestved
November 1999
Spennandi sumarnamskeið fyrir iðjuþjálfa!
Fræðslunefnd vill vekja athygli á spennandi námskeiöi
dagana 29. og 30.
Um er aö ræöa tveggja daga námskeið haldið í sam-
vinnu viö Endurmenntunarstofnun Háskóla íslands. Á
námskeiðinu veröur fjallaö um iðjumiðað mat til að
meta færni hjá börnum, með áherslu á matstækin
„School Function Assessment" (SFA) og „Pediatric
Evaluation Disability Inventory" (PEDI). Bæði mats-
tækin hafa hlotiö mikla athygli og eru notuð af iðju-
þjálfum víða um lönd til að meta þátttöku og frammi-
stöðu barna við daglega iðju.
júní næstkomandi.
Fyrirlesari á námskeiðinu er Dr.Wendy Coster, prófess-
or og yfirmaður náms í iöjuþjálfun við Háskólann í
Boston, en hún er einn af aðalhöfundum PEDI og SFA.
Þetta er einstakt tækifæri sem félagsmenn geta varla
látiö fram hjá sér fara!
Fyrir þá sem vilja kynna sér efniö betur eöa undirbúa sig fyrir nám-
skeiöiö, má benda ágrein úrAJOT: Coster,W. (1998). Occupation-
centered assessment of chiidren. The American Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 52, 337-344.
Námskeiösgjald er 23.900 kr.
Skráning fer fram hjá Endurmenntunarstofnun HÍ
Bestu kveðjur,
Fræðslunefnd IÞÍ