Tölvumál - 01.10.2012, Side 24

Tölvumál - 01.10.2012, Side 24
24 Figure 1 illustrates the major points of deviation between 20+ and 20- users. Overall, it would seem that the prototype game appeals more to 20+ players, who feel more in command while using the game, understand better the content of the game and appreciate more the way the different life situations are presented. Older users would be more interested in repeating the experience and they believe the gaming experience improves the retention of new knowledge gained. Similarly, varying points of view were recorded among male and female respondents. Based on the evaluation results it would seem that the prototype game appeals more to female users. More specifically, female gamers appreciate more look of the game and also have a more clear view of the game’s objectives, appreciate more the instructions and feedback provided during and at the end of the game, would be more motivated to seek additional information after having played the game and also would be more willing to repeat the experience compared to male users. Figure 2 illustrates the major points of deviation recorded. These gender and age differences that are often evident in leisure gaming clearly stress the need to take gender and age into consideration during game design. This clearly demonstrates that it is difficult to create a game that appeals equally to all. The patterns of game-play of the intended target group should be taken into consideration during SGs design, in order to achieve an optimal mix between education and entertainment. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 game design is attractive feeling in command of the application game content is clear life situations are presented in a realistic way feeling at ease while playing this game If it was a free practice on an argument of my interest, I would be interested in doing it I could identify myself in the situation After taking part in this experiment I am willing to repeat the experience of using simulations easier to remember the new things I learned 20- 20+ 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 look of the game design of the game is very attractive game objectives are clear final results and feedback are clear and understandable difficult to be totally concentrated interested in looking up additional information would play this game again male female ConClusions While SGs have a clear value for transmitting explicit, factual knowledge, perhaps their greater strength relates to the transferring of tacit knowledge, skills, behaviours that can be embedded in games. The purpose of SGs used in the context of intergenerational learning, is not only to engage/entertain younger generations of players, or convey practical or historical information about past decades, but rather to immerse players in this era and allow them to experience the life of older generations. In this light it would be difficult for many users to put into words what they have learning by playing this game. Games are normally by their intrinsic nature a means for informal learning, although they can be used in formal settings as well as for self-regulated learning. Independently on how they might be used, there are several challenges that designers and developers of serious games must face, some pertaining more to the learning aspect, some more to the gaming aspect and some others to technological and implementation details. ReFeRenCes, see online veRsion at www. sky.is Figure 1: Deviation on preference between: under 20 and over 20 Figure 2: Differences on preference between males and females



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