
Jökull - 01.01.2009, Blaðsíða 70

Jökull - 01.01.2009, Blaðsíða 70
Hannesdóttir et al. Figure 2. a. Bathymetry of Hestvatn, seismic profiles and core locations. Black lines indicate tracks of seis- mic profiles, only white line profiles are shown in figures 3 and 4b. b. Multibeam bathymetric map of lake floor of Hestvatn superimposed on the original bathymetric map to provide coverage in shallow water. Sub- areal map published with permission from the National Land Survey of Iceland. – a. Dýptarkort Hestvatns ásamt siglingalínum endurvarpsmælinga (gögn eftir hvítum línum er sýnd á myndum 3 og 4). Hvítir punktar sýna staðsetningu kjarna sem teknir voru sumarið 2003. b. Fjölgeislamælingar af botni Hestvatns leiða í ljós landslag á grunnum svæðum vatnsins. Kort birt með leyfi Landmælinga Íslands. A detailed bathymetric map was compiled by combining water depth calculations from the seismic survey, and scanned and georectified bathymetric map made with echo sounder measurements by the Hy- drological Service Division of the Energy Authority in Iceland (Rist, 1975). Isopach maps of the seismic units were created by interpolation, both for the lake’s two sub-basins and the whole lake. The number of points varied depending on seismic unit (ranging from 1200 to 4600 points). The interpolation was limited to areas of 180 m of the data points, with resulting 3 m grid cell spacing. Isopach maps for the lake’s two sub-basins were created, as well as isopach maps for the whole lake. Paleobathymetry maps were cre- ated, subtracting sediment thickness from the modern bathymetry. The mean thickness and volume for the seismic units was calculated for the two sub-basins as well as for the whole lake. DOSECC’s GLAD200 core rig (http://www.- dosecc.org/), equipped with ODP-style coring tools was used to recover over 20 m long cores at 60 m water depth in Hestvatn in the summer of 2003. Sedi- ment cores from Hestvatn obtained in 1994 and 1995 (Harðardóttir et al., 2001a, 2001b) and the seismic survey guided the selection of the new core sites. Four new cores were obtained from Hestvatn, a set of du- plicate cores from each sub-basin (Figure 2), with a vertical offset of approximately 1.5 m (Table 1). Each core segment is approximately 3 m long and 6.2 cm in diameter. Additionally surface cores (Glew, 1991) were recovered from each location, in order to retrieve the water/sediment interface at the core sites. The chronology of the cores is based on tephrochronology and radiocarbon dating of marine molluscs (Table 2). Seismic units are identified by comparison of the seis- mic profiles and the core lithology. 70 JÖKULL No. 59
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