
Jökull - 01.01.2009, Blaðsíða 91

Jökull - 01.01.2009, Blaðsíða 91
Slope creep in East Iceland observed by InSAR teract with and reflect from objects on the ground that have a roughness of a similar dimension. The ERS-1 and ERS-2 radar wavelengths are identical and data from these two satellites can be combined to form in- terferograms. The Envisat radar, on the other hand, operates on a slightly different wavelength so Envisat data cannot easily be combined with ERS data for in- terferometry. Radar imaging is fundamentally different from conventional passive remote sensing techniques that typically acquire near-nadir photographs in the visible or near-visible bands. Radar imaging is an active re- mote sensing technique where radar pulses are trans- mitted and the ground reflections of these pulses are collected again by the same antenna (see e.g. Hanssen (2001) for a review). The primary advantage of this technique over other remote-sensing techniques is that radar imaging is not limited to daylight acquisitions nor to cloud-free conditions, and in addition it can be used to detect ground displacement. The ERS- 1/2 satellites cover in each pass a swath that is about 100 km wide and the incidence angle varies from about 19◦ to about 26◦ across the swath. The Envisat satellite can be operated in several different modes with different incidence angles. However, the data requested for East Iceland were acquired in the IS-2 mode, which is similar to the ERS mode. Shadow Layover 23 o Line-of-sight (LOS) direction to the satellite wav efro nts Unconsolidated Deposits Figure 2. A schematic figure showing layovers and shadows in radar imaging. Ground displacements can only be measured along the line-of-sight (LOS) direc- tion. – Mynd sem sýnir „álögur“ og skugga í radar- mælingum í hæðóttu landslagi. The average incidence angle of 23◦ has limitations and it means that slopes tilting away from the radar and are steeper than 67◦ are in a ’shadow’ and can- not be imaged by the radar satellite (Figure 2). How- ever, not many slopes are so steep. More important is the imaging limitation of slopes that incline towards the radar look direction. When the tilt of these slopes exceeds 23◦, radar returns from the top of the moun- tain will arrive at the same time or before radar re- flections from further down the slope, which makes it impossible to distinguish between these signals (Fig- ure 2). This phenomena is called a ’layover’ and is much more limiting than shadowing, as it excludes virtually all significant slopes facing the radar look di- rection. Fortunately, radar satellites can acquire radar data from approximately opposite directions, i.e. dur- ing ascending and descending passes, so most slopes can be imaged using one of these two viewing direc- tions. The topography of the Eastern Fjords in Iceland is relatively rough with steep-sided valleys and fjords and with mountains exceeding 1000 m in elevation. A large part of the area consists of slopes exceed- ing 23◦ and some slopes even exceed 67◦. Therefore, slopes facing ESE result in a layover during descend- ing passes and WSW slopes cannot be imaged during ascending passes. Thousands of ERS-1 and ERS-2 radar images have been acquired over Iceland since 1991 with mul- tiple acquisitions for any given location from several different tracks and from both the ascending and de- scending directions. The repeat time of these satellites is 35 days, which means that they orbit along the same track every 35 days. The revisit time is shorter, as any given point on ground can be imaged more frequently, i.e. from overlapping tracks and from ascending and descending tracks. Although many acquisitions of Iceland exist, most of these data have been acquired during descending passes. Other limitations include a gap in ERS-1 data from 12/1993 to 4/1995, when the satellite was operated in different orbits. After the launch of ERS-2 in 1995 the satellite trailed ERS-1 by only a day, providing an opportunity to form one-day (tandem) interferograms that have been extensively used to generate digital elevation models and to study JÖKULL No. 59 91
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