Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1961, Side 175

Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1961, Side 175
Public Health in Iceland 1961. — A Summary. 1. The climatic conditions were rather unfavourable with exception of the two first months of the year. The mean temperature was 0,8 centigrades (C) above the average. The downfall was 6% above the average. The year 1961 was in several respects a year of econoinic difficulties. The winter cod fishing season was relatively poor and the trawler fisheries failed. There was an unusally long and widespread strike in the middle of the year, which led to wage increases of 13 to 17%. This large increase disruoted the economic stability which had been achieved in 1960. After the authority to determine the rate of exchange had been transferred to the newly established Central Bank, a new rate of exchange, 13% higher than the previous one, came into effect on August 4th. National product, private and public consumption increased by less than 2% during the year, or approximately at the same rate as population. Capital formation declined sharply, mainly because of the dicline in imports of fishing boats. Because of improved export prices and some decline in iinport prices, national income increased c.onsiderably more than national product, or by about 5%. Economic conditions im- proved significantly during the second half of the vear. The herring fisheries in the summer and fall were excellent and helped to increase exports. This, together with the stabilization policy followed by the authorities, helped to improve the balance of payments, which came out with a surplus on current account for the first time since the war, and to raise foreign exchange reserves sharply during the second half of the year.1) 2. Popnlation, Births and Deaths. The population was on Deceinber Ist 1961 180058 including Beykjavik 73388 (1960: 177292 and 72407). The estimated midijear population was 178675 (175574). The Marriage rate was 7.5 (7.5), the birth rate 25.5 (28.0) and the death rate 7.0 (6.6) per 1000 inhabitants. The infant mortalitij rate was 19.4 (13.0) per 1000 born alive. 1) The Economlc InsUtute.
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