Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1935, Side 131
Anthoxanthum odoratum, and Hierochloe odorata. In some
places these are the predominant species in blómlendi, Gera-
nium siluaticum, Alchemilla minor, Gnaphalium norvegicum
and G. supinum.
8. Mýri-vegetation (Bog-vegetation) The greatest part of
the flatland consists of bogs, at least where there is any
vegetation at all. All the bogs are of the flói-type, i. e.
the soil is submerged by water during the greater part of
year. Thus they are flat or covered with small knolls.
I did not find any trace of rúst formation which is common
in the highlands. The characteristic species of the mýri
are: Eriophorum polystachium, E. Scheuchzeri, Carex rari-
flora and Calamagrostis neglecta.
9. Of vegetation in lakes there is very little. The beds
of the majority of the larger lakes are so sandy that there
is hardly any possibility of vegetation there. The water-
vegetation is chiefly to be found in small ponds and pools.
Such water-plants as I found are Callitriche autumnalis,
Potamogeton filiformis and Hippuris vulgaris all of which
are very rare. In the brook running from the hotspring at
Laugar there grow large tangled beds of Potamogeton
pusillus and Caliitriche stagnalis.
Having given this survey we will now turn to the flora.
The Flora at Fjallabaksvegur.
In the following I shall give a list of the phanerogams
I found at Fjallabaksvegur, in order to save space I have
set it up in the form of a table. The names are from C. H.
Ostenfeld and Johs. Gröntved: The Flora of Iceland and
the Faeroes, Copenhagen 1934.
In the first column there is the lifeform of the plant
according to C Raunkjær’s system of lifeforms. In the other
columns is shown the distribution of the species in the
places they were found in, being given in figures, viz.:
1. The surroundings of Landmannahellir. 2. Dómadalur,
Dómadalshraun and by Frostastaðavatn. 3. Laugar, Lauga-
hraun. 4. Hattver. 5. Kýlingar. 6. Jökuldalir,