AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.04.2002, Síða 12

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.04.2002, Síða 12
Meginstoðir sviðsins eru hin lögboðnu embætti skipu- lagsfulltrúa og byggingarfulltrúa. Fulltrúarnir tveir starfa samkvæmt skipulags- og byggingarlögum og stýra faglegri starfsemi hvor í sínum málaflokki. Sviðinu stýrir sviðstjóri og er hlutverk hans meðal annars að vinna að stefnumótun í skipulags- og byggingarmálum ásamt yfirvöldum. Á skrifstofu sviðstjóra eru reknir þrír megin málaflokkar: Fjármál og rekstur, stjórnsýsla og lögfræði og nýsköpun og þróun. Stofnun síðastnefnda mála- flokksins endurspeglar áherslur í skipulagsmálum borgarinnar en hlutverk hans er m.a. að vinna með full- trúunum tveimur að því að móta góðar verklagsreglur í málaflokkunum og að efla samráð um skipulags- og byggingarmál. Með því er átt við samvinnu við bæði íbúa og pólitískt kjörna fulltrúa til að tryggja að kynn- ingar- og upplýsingastreymi sé stöðugt á milli skipu- lags- og byggingaryfirvalda og þessara aðila. Nýtt embætti borgararkitekts ber einnig vott um vilja yfirvalda til að stuðla að faglegum vinnubrögðum í mót- un borgarinnar. Borgararkitekt sinnir fagurfræðilegu út- liti höfuðborgarinnar og liðsinnir hönnuðum og öðrum hvað varðar hönnun á vegum borgarinnar. Öllum framantöldum embættum stýra embættismenn sem reynslu og þekkingu hafa á viðkomandi mála- flokkum en auk þeirra starfa á skipulags- og byggingar- sviði um 40 starfsmenn sem hafa með höndum það hlutverk að vera tengiliður borgara og hönnuða við skipulags- og byggingaryfirvöld bæði hvað varðar skipulag, endurskoðun skipulags, nýbyggingar, endur- byggingar og eftirlit. Allur þessi hópur leggur sig fram um fagleg vinnubrögð og góða þjónustu og væntir góðs samstarfs við borgara, hönnuði og skipulagshöfunda um ókomna tíð. ■ A NEW PLANNING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT On January 1,2002, the new Department of Planning and Building was established within the municipal structure of Reykjavík. With this change, the City Planning Agency and the Building Officer’s Bureau are now consolidated into one department. The purpose of this reform is to strengthen the role of planning and building development within the municipal government. Part of this reform is the streamlining of the planning and building process to benefit architects, builders, planners and the general public. In addition, the new position of City Architect has been founded as part of this new department. The establishment of the new department reflects the increased interest in the built environment. Planning focuses on what vision the public and elected officials have for the future use of land and the quality of the built environment. The history of planning is relatively short in lceland, as urbanization didn’t take place in the country until the 20th century. However, in the past few decades, the Reykjavík area has grown at a rapid rate. As in other parts of the Western World, interest among the public and elected officials in lceland regarding planning and building issues has increased as urbani- sation and land use crises become apparent. Planning is a democratic tool for elected officials to shape the future of our built environment while preserving public interest. Therefore, pianners need to work closely with both the elected officials and the public. To make this process efficient, everyone involved needs to be informed and willing to take part in shaping the future. The role of government officials is to make sure that the process is fair and equitable. The main elements in this new department are the posts of Planning Officer and Building Officer, who act according to Planning and Building Regulations. An Overseeing Director, responsible for deriving policy decisions in cooperation with the city government, manages the entire department. Within the Director’s Office, three main divisions are in charge of the following subject matters: Finance and Office Management, Legal Procedures and Govern- mental Relations, and Research and Development, which reflects the importance of planning and building issues within city government. Its future role is to work with Planning and Building Officers to develop a fair and efficient planning and building process. The new office of The Reykjavík City Architect reflects the city government’s intentions to assure qual- ity work and professionalism in the city’s design and aesthetic appearance. Moreover, the new department has a staff of approx- imately 40 employees that are experienced and edu- cated in the field of planning and building affairs. The Reykjavík Planning and Building Department is ready to take on the challenge of assuring quality work in the shaping of Reykjavík’s future. ■ Salvör Jónsdóttir, Director of the Planning and Building Department. 10
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AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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