AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.04.2002, Side 27
herslu á mikilvægi borgargæða og skapandi breytinga
á borgarumhverfinu en sú eldri.
í tengslum við nauðsynlega alþjóðavæðingu Reykja-
víkur er einnig bent á mikilvægi þess að varðveita og
styrkja séríslensk einkenni og íslenskt gildismat, menn-
ingu og umhverfi í sinni víðustu merkingu.
Niðurstöður úr viðtölunum höfðu áhrif á framtíðarsýn
um þróun borgarinnar sem sett er fram í Aðalskipulagi
Reykjavíkur 2001-2024, ekki síst á skilgreiningu stoða
sem aðalskipulagið byggist á, höfuðborgina, alþjóðlegu
borgina og vistvænu borgina. ■ Ingibjörg
Guölaugsdóttir er forstööumaöur nýsköpunar og þróun-
ar á skipulags-og byggingarsviði.
The Development Plan for Reykjavík 2001-2024 formu-
lates policies regarding construction, land use and
transportation to the year 2024. That is to say, the phys-
ical development of the city is planned. Policies for
municipal development are, however, founded on many
other aspects that together indicate the type of city we
want and what is needed to realise these goals. These
policies deal with the role of Reykjavík as a capital, the
influence internationalisation has on the future of the
city and the country as a whole, employment to be cre-
ated and what type of city we would like to live in.
To better understand how people would like to see
future development and the evolution of the capital, as
well as the possibilities of internationalisation of
Reykjavík and lceland, a number of people were inter-
viewed including ministers, industrial and labour union
bosses, and national and local politicians. A summary
of these interviews can be found in a supplement to the
Development Plan for Reykjavík 2001-2024, „The
Rimson Pamphlet: TheVision of Wise Men.“
■ lceland should remain a highly-developed welfare
state with good quality of life and ample opportunities.
Therefore, the country has to preserve and strengthen
its magnetism and competitiveness on a global level.
■ Reykjavík must follow intemational urban develop-
ment models as a modern, international city. Job oppor-
tunities will also contribute to the future well-being of
the city, and Reykjavík has to prosper both from new
and existing employment. Most agreed on this point,
with those younger interviewed expressing interest in
employment and social development based on knowl-
edge and its connceted internationalism, placing a
greater emphasis on urban quality and creative devel-
■ Whilst the internationalisation of Reykjavík is
deemed necessary, the preservation and strengthening
of what is typically lcelandic, including values, culture
and environment in its broadest sense, is also empha-
The supplement's conclusions influenced future
goals for the growth of Reykjavík put forward in the
Development Plan for Reykjavík 2001-2024, not least
in it defentition; ecological city, capital city, and interna-
tional city. ■ Ingibjörg Guölaugsdóttir, Planner, Head of
Innovation and Development at the Planning and
Building Department.
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