AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.04.2002, Síða 70
three years from the acceptance of the Development
Plan, for:
1) development and construction of ecological devel-
2) quality of development in housing and employment
3) design policy of Reykjavík. These conditions will
form guidelines for the preparation of local plans.
Nixed development
Some discrepancies have existed between employ-
ment opportunities and the number of flats in the areas
east and west of the Elliða river. To increase the bal-
ance between housing and work increased mix of
development has to be encouraged. Mixed develop-
ment reduces traffic and contributes towards reducing
the distances between housing, shopping, service and
employment, reduces the distance between human
activities and helps to create a more diverse city envi-
Townscape and town pattern
The Development Plan contains a policy of town-
scape and town pattern and densities in individual
development and redevelopment areas to encourage
better land use and diversity within the areas. The goal
is that at any given time there will be diverse opportuni-
ties for housing and employment buildings in different
districts. Diverse districts contribute to a diverse socie-
ty which in turn increases environmental and housing
qualities and prevents socially segregated districts.
Diversity of land and development
In the Development Plan the policy is put forward of
maintaining the natural diversity of land and the eco-
logical systems but at the same time forming a good
connection between housing areas and nature and
recreation areas. A comprehensive plan for recreation
areas of the city exists which has the aim of strength-
ening and improving the existing net of recreation areas
and footpaths which connect districts, housing, service
and work. In this plan nature reserve areas are defined
and they will be protected through „district protection”.
■ Björn Axelsson, landscape architect, FÍLA, director of
environment at the Planning and Building department.
STÆRÐ PLÖTU: 1200 x 3000 mm
5 PYKKTIR: og 19 mm
RÚMPYNGD: 1250kg/m’
BRUNAPOL: lOmmí flokki 1. (Viðurkennt af B.R.)
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