AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.03.2003, Blaðsíða 24
EON arkitektar - EON Archítects
Innanhússhönnun er talsvert flókið
og einstaklingsbundið ferli. Við-
komandi rými þarf að fullnægja
þörfum viðskiptavinarinns og/eða
þeirra sem koma til með að nota
það. Á sama tíma þarf hönnunin að
endurspegla gæði og tilfinningu
þeirrar hugmyndafræði sem liggur
að baki. í sérhverju hönnunar-
verkefni þarf hönnuðurinn að koma
með tillögu sem á markvissan hátt,
inniheldur allt þetta. Þegar allt
kemur til alls er oft um að ræða
rými sem verður til lengri eða
skemmri tíma, partur af lífi notenda.
í uphafi hvers verkefnis stendur
hönnuðurinn frammi fyrir sama
vandamáli og málari eða rit-
höfundur; auðu blaði. Vendi-
punkturinn er þegar ákvörðunin er
tekin um það í hvaða átt verkið eigi
að þróast. Nálgun EON í þessum
efnum hefur verið að fá hugmyndir
úr mörgum áttum: verklýsing,
athafnir, efnisval og saga, hafa hvað
mest áhrif í hönnunarferlinu.
Hönnun EON er einnig afleiðing af
afstöðu þeirra til viðkomandi verk-
efnis; endanleg útkoma; byggingar,
innréttingar, hlutir, endurspegla þær
hugmyndir og tilfinningar sem liggja
að baki innblæstrinum. Það rými
sem um er að ræða er yfirleitt af
afmarkaðri stærð, en möguleikarnir
eru óendanlegir. Hönnunin snýst
endanlega um það hvernig væntan-
legir notendur upplifa
lokaniðurstöðu hönnunarferilsins og
hvernig áhrif hún mun hafa á þá. ■
EON architects believe that archi-
tecture should be strongly influ-
enced by its environmental and
social surroundings. Working in
lceland, EON architects bear strong
roots in lcelandic nature and socie-
ty. An underlying connection to the
history and character of the nation
is a key factor in the firm’s creative
process. There is also a strong
connection to the various environ-
mental issues and extraordinary
nature of the country.
‘A building should represent the
spirit of the time of its creation.
Adoption to the future is essential,
as well as the influence the creation
will have on future generations. Yet
it has to keep its identity. ’
The goal is the designing and cre-
ating of quality spaces that are
an intricate part of modern society,
highlighting its speed and technolo-
gy. Within these parameters, EON
architects wish to contribute to the
architectural field.
The space we are given is a
defined size, while the possibilities
are infinite. It is ultimately about
how the result is going to benefit
future users and what effect it will
have on them.
Designing interiors is a very com-
plex and personal process. The
space has to fulfil the requirements
of the client, as well as the needs
of its occupants; at the same time,
it must reflect quality and convey a
specific idea. In every project, the
designer must conjure up a con-
cept that incorporates all this in
a concise design. This is, after all, a
place where people will be spend-
ing a part of their lives, some more
extensively than others.
When starting the design process
on any given project, the designer
is faced with the same dilemma as
the painter and the writer - an
empty page. The moment of truth
comes when a decision is made on
what direction the project is going
to take. EON’s approach is to draw
the inspiration for the design out of
a combination of things. Þrogram,
function, material selection and his-
torical content are the most domi-
nant in EON’s design process.
EON designs are also a personal
response to each project, where
the buildings, interiors and objects
are given a voice to communicate
the ideas and feelings that were the
source of inspiration. The space we
are given is a defined size, while
the possibilities are infinite. It is ulti-
mately about how the result is
going to benefit future users and
what effect it will have on them. ■