AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.06.2005, Qupperneq 52

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.06.2005, Qupperneq 52
Utilities in Building Valdimar K. Jónsson, Professor Emeritus New buildings are not always prop- erly finished when they are handed over to their owner. Instead of dis- cussing this in general terms I shall in this article only deal with utilities in buildings, such as hot and cold water, sewage, and air conditioning. As example of the lack of proper utilities, the loss from water damage in lcelandic buildings amounts to 1 billion ISK every year, a large part of which can be traced to faulty work- manship. The Utilities Society of lceland (Lagnafélag íslands) was founded almost 20 years ago on Oct. 4, 1986 and has been active ever since. The goal of the Society is to encourage the development of utili- ties technology, design, and proc- esses, and to further mutual under- standing between the disciplines concerned with both interior and exterior facets of building. There are currently 700 members and around 400 supporting bodies. The history of the Society can be found on the homepage of the Society at www.lafi.is and in the magazine “Lagnafréttir" issues 1 to 32 and in the 92 news/notes that have been published. The presidents of the Society have been Kristján Ottósson, the first two years, Jón Sigurjónsson the next two, Einar þorsteinsson and Hreinn Frímannsson one year each, Grétar Leifsson, Guðmundur Þóroddsson and Guðmundur Jónsson two years each, Þórður Ó. Búason during three years and Guðmundur Hjálmarsson the last four years. Kristján Ottósson has been the managing director since the founding of the Society. Soon after the Society was founded it started to work towards the creation of a Utililies Centre that could assist educational institutions both at the secondary and university level with practical teaching and research. It was also to serve as a centre for continued education for designers and industrial workers in this field. The start was very slow. Many people concerned had to be persuaded that working together served a common purpose It was not until the end of 2001 that the Utililies Centre of lceland (LKI) came into operation in a new building in Keldnaholt. Today a large collection of machinery has been built up that can be used for practical teaching. This Centre can also be used for research, and one doctoral student at the University of lceland is working there on his thesis. Companies in the utililies field have donated the machinery and this shows how interested peo- ple have been in establishing the Centre. The value of this machinery has been estimated at 53 million 52 avs
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