AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.06.2005, Page 53

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.06.2005, Page 53
SSI: Activities ISK. The most generous support- ers have been the Research Fund (Rannís) and the Flousing Fund (íbúðarlánasjóður). The education establishment within the industry has used the facilities of the Centre as it has been developing, and since last autumn all practical courses for the Builder’s Educational Society (Menntafélag Byggingariðnaðarins) and the Education Council of Metal Workers (Fræðsluráð málmiðnaðarins) have been held there. The Utilities Society of lceland awards annual prizes for outstand- ing building utilities. The goal of this recognition is to further quality consciousness in people in this field and contribute to the development of utilities through better workman- ship, better service routes, and bet- ter materials. Last but not least, this recognition is intended to encourage designers and tradesmen to better themselves and avail themselves of further education within the utilities industry. In assessing the qual- ity of air conditioning and heating systems it is important that a listing of individual machinery, and their operation works is created. A report by the contractor is also required as to how this machinery should be adjusted and tested as described in the magazine Lagnafréttir, no 29. and in The Handbook of Building Utilities. The SSI supports research by renting facilities to specialists and students. SSI takes an active part in for- mulating research projects into the quality and development of defined aspects of the building industry connected to building utilities. SSI directs this research to special- ists. An example of this research is a study regarding the need to introduce standards in methodol- ogy and materials in the utilities industry. SSI is working towards a similar quality control system as is in use in Scandinavia. In this way SSI seeks to influence the quality consciousness of those in this field. SSI intends to become a recognised approval agency in the field of build- ing utilities. A quality committee working according to rules approved by SSI is doing this work. The qual- ity committee appoints a group of specialists in charge of quality con- trol, each in his field. In order to be permitted to carry out quality control, SSI has to establish a system of quality control and be recognized by the Legal Approvals Office (Löggildingarstofa). SSI: Goals • Support research by renting facili- ties. • Support research in building utili- ties. • To become a recognised quality control body in building utilities. • To formulate a research program and research projects. • To start preparations for a qual- ity control system for the building utilities industry. • To start preparations for being rec- ognised by the Legal Approvals Office (Löggildingarstofa) by for- mulating working methods. With this development in the field of building utilities the inter- ested parties consider that a timely increase in the quality of building utilities will rise considerably during the next decade. ■ FRRMUR Flutningaþjónusta Persónuleg, fljót- og örugg þjónusta «361 2929 • Rllar stsrdir bílo avs 5 3


AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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