Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Blaðsíða 74

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Blaðsíða 74
82 Sea Level Fluctuations in Tórshavn, Preliminary Results cited). Hence c; can be calculated from the area under the peak. The width Af is ambiguous, but for an harmonic disting- uishable from the noise, the peak is so narrow and pronounced that this makes no problem as long as it is clearly separated from other peaks. In practise it is not very feasible determining the integral by numerical quadrature, rather one may employ the fact, mentioned by Burg (ref. 6) that a significant peak at a frequency f; will have a definite shape given by the formula p(f •) P(f) = -------^5---5- (5) i + (f-f^r/ (> Integration then yields j cT = n-P(f.)-6 (6) which permits c; to be determined from b, P(f;) and <5. Compu- tational methods which, from a given set of filter coefficients, find the f/s by binary search, evaluate P(fj) and determine b by fitting the peak to equation (5) have been developed and programmed to the computer; details will be given elsewhere In common with the Autocorrelation function the filter coefficients contain no information on the phase of harmonic constituents of the series. The cp^’s of eq(l) may however be found using the MEM in the followihg way. Assume the f/s and Cj ’s to be known, then construct the two new time series h1(k),| rcos (2 • tt • f. *At' k) 1 h(k) - I c.I 1 (7) h2(k)i i 1 vsin(2 • tt* f. • At'k) By analyzing these two series as described above, one gets peaks in the PDS at the same frequencies as for the original series h and the ratios of the new amplitudes to the c/s will yield the (pj’s- The MEM is very demanding both in computing time and in storage and the demand increases with length of data series and length of filter. Therefore even on a large computer like the one used, it may be necessary to split the data series into separate parts for analysis. If the series is to be split into n
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