Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Blaðsíða 106

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Blaðsíða 106
114 Glacial Erratics The high relative abundance o£ erratics o£ tuff carbonate sediments at station 5 and the likely occurrence of two tuff carbonate concretions without signs of glacial transport on Sandoy Bank suggest that these sediments have been derived locally from the outer shelf. They are much softer than the basalts and they are therefore probably more widespread be- low the Quaternaty deposits than their number suggests. The tuffaceous beds on the Faeroe Islands lack carbonate and are usually red coloured; we have not found any sediments like these in the dredge hauls. The ashes in the tuff carbonate sediments must have been erupted from the vicinity because some of the ash layers are several centimeters thich and coarsely sandy. The strong altera- tion points to a raher old age for the ashes. The sediments therefore very probably have been deposited in connection with the building up of the Faeroese basalt plateau, i. e. they are of Lower Tertiary age. The other sediments and the metamorphic and plutonic rocks almost certainly originate from outside the Faeroe shelf. They are very scarce on the shelf itself, and on the slope, where they are abundant, there is a wide range of rock types. A palyno- logicai investigation of some of the sediments by Finn Bertel- sen at the Geological Survey of Denmark shows a range of ages from Middle Devonian to Cretaceous. Most of the arkoses and many of the other sandstones have probably been derived from the Old Red Sandstone belt between Scotland and the Shetland Islands and most of the gneisses probably originated from the Caledonian metamorphic terrains in Scotland, the Shetland Islands and Norway. Glaciological implications We consider that the sudden decrease in the proportion of foreign erratics towards the top of the continental slope south- east of the Faeroe Islands is caused by the front of the Faeroese ice sheet standing along the edge or uppermost part of the
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