Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Blaðsíða 46

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1975, Blaðsíða 46
54 How old is the Faroese grannastevnaf Septbr. 1798 til Amtmanden over Kiobenhavn Amt, ogsaa her passende kunde anvendes i det omhandlede Tilfælde. — .... The Cancelli replied agreeing, in a communication dated 22 November 1836, which the Amt received on 11 April 1837, and the following day relayed to the landfúti, the sorinskrivari and all the sýslumenn,1B It is interesting that for sýslumaður Zachariasen the occasion was not a grannastevna but »det sædvanlige passerede Politi- Móde«. The origin of this meeting thus seems to lie in the annual inquiry of the sýslumaður into how the Reskripter of 1757 and 1775 were being kept, and his duty under paragraphs 1 and 11 of the Forordning af 21. Maj 1777 angaaende Ager- dyrkningen og Tieneste Folk to enquire each year into the state of barley cultivation and whether any idle persons needed to be placed in service. The earliest Sandoy Politi-Protokol (1777 —1838) contains, indeed, little else but entries on these sub- jects. The name grannastevna, as applied particularly to this meeting, we appear to owe to its use in this sense by Tillisch and Ployen.17 The view that to the Faroese, the word grannastevna was at this time an unfamiliar one, is confirmed by another early use of the word in a Politi-Protokol entry by sýslumaður Weihe: »Aar 1841 den 2 og 3 Martii under Omreise i Usteroe-Sysselet, til Grannastevne blev det oplyst at efterfolgende Huusfædre havde holdt Dandsestue paa den saakaldte Mishelligdage. . . .« This is of course ordinary politiret business, and has nothing to do with the grannastevna in its usually accepted sense.18 On 28 February 1842, Weihe reported to the Amt that cer- tain householders had absented themselves from the Toftir grannastevna. Weihe’s phrase for the meeting is now »den sæd- vanlige grannastevne«, but the obligation on householders to attend seems not to have been generally understood, and their absence was due to a misunderstanding. In the end, Ployen gave Weihe a mild reprimand for reporting the matter before making a proper investigation. The following year, Weihe re- cords having lectured the Eysturoy grannastevnur on what the
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