Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 23.09.2000, Side 63
71 *
Sunnudagur 24. sept,
04.20 Ólympíuleikarnir í Sydney. Keppni í
07.00 Ólympíuleikarnir í Sydney. Keppni I
fijálsum íþróttum þar sem Guörún
Arnardóttir keppir í 400 m grind.
09.00 Disney-stundin.
09.55 Ólympíuleikarnir í Sydney. Keppni í
frjálsum íþróttum.
11.30 Ólympíuleikarnir í Sydney. Saman-
13.00 Ólympíuleikarnir í Sydney. Frá úr-
slitaleik kvenna í borötennis.
14.00 Ólympíuleikarnir í Sydney. Frá leik
Rússa og Júgóslava f handbolta
15.00 Ólympíuleikarnir í Sydney. Saman-
16.45 Sjónvarpskringlan.
17.00 Maöur er nefndur. e.
17.35 Táknmálsfréttir.
17.40 Formúla 1. Bein útsending frá
kappakstrinum I Indianapolis í
19.00 Fréttayfirlit.
19.03 Formúla 1. Bein útsending frá
kappakstrinum í Indianapolis í
20.00 Fréttir og veöur.
20.30 Gamla Reykjavík (2:3).
21.00 Hálandahöföinginn (2:8).
21.50 Bók Davíös (Davids bog).
22.45 Ólympíukvöld. Sýnt beint frá keppni
í frjálsum íþróttum.
01.00 Útvarpsfréttir.
01.10 Hlé.
04.20 Ólympíuleikarnir í Sydney. Keppni í
07.00 Ólympíuleikarnir í Sydney. Bein út-
sending frá úrslitakeppni í stangar-
stökki kvenna, 400 metra grinda-
hlaupi kvenna og kringlukasti karla.
07.00 Tao Tao.
07.20 Búálfarnir.
07.25 Kolll káti.
07.50 Skriödýrin.
08.15 Maja býfluga.
08.40 Tinna trausta.
09.05 Dagbókin hans Dúa.
09.30 Spékoppurinn.
09.55 Sinbad.
10.40 Ævintýri Jonna Quest.
11.00 Geimævintýri.
11.25 Úrvalsdeildin.
11.50 Sjónvarpskringlan.
12.05 Aöeins ein jörö (e).
12.20 Oprah Winfrey.
13.05 Björgun Camelots
14.30 Veggjakrot (American Graffiti).
16.20 Mótorsport 2000.
16.50 Nágrannar.
18.55 19>20 - Fréttir.
19.10 ísland í dag.
19.30 Fréttir.
20.00 Fréttayfirlit.
20.05 60 mínútur.
20.55 Ástir og átök (11:23)
21.25 Winchell. Aöalhlutverk: Stanley
Tuccit Paul Giamatti, Glynne Headly.
Leikstjóri: Paul Mazursky. 1998.
23.00 Stjörnuvíg. Fyrstu kynni (Star Trek.
First Contact). Aöalhlutverk: Patrick
Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent
Spiner. Leikstjóri: Jonathan Frakes.
1996. Bönnuö börnum.
00.50 Dagskrárlok.
10.00 2001 nótt.
11.30 Dýrarikiö.
12.00 Skotsilfur.
12.30 Silfur Egils.
14.00 Malcom In the Middle.
14.30 Jay Leno.
15.30 Innlit—Útlit.
16.30 Dallas.
17.30 Providence.
18.30 Björn og félagar.
19.30 Tvípunktur.
20.00 The Practice.
21.00 20/20.
22.00 Skotsilfur.
22.30 Silfur Egils.
00.00 Dateline. Fréttaskýringarþáttur með
Mariu Shriver og félögum.
fslenski boltinn. Bein útsending frá
leik ÍA og ÍBV í bikarúrslitaleik karla.
Enski boltinn. Útsending frá leik
Leicester City og Everton.
Meistarakeppni Evrópu.
19. holan.
Spæjarinn (9:21) (Lands End).
Maöurinn frá Fanná (Man From
Snowy River). Aöalhlutverk: Tom
Burlinson, Kirk Douglas, Sigrid
Thornton. Leikstjóri: George Miller.
Varnarlaus (Defenseless). Aöalhlut-
verk: Barbara Hershey, Sam
Shepard, Mary Beth Hurt, J.T.
Walsh, Kellie Overbey. Leikstjóri:
Martin Campbell. 1991. Stranglega
bönnuð börnum.
Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur.
Rásl r
7.00 Fréttlr.
7.05 Fréttaaukl.
8.00 Fréttir.
8.07 Morgunandakt.
8.15 Tónllst á sunnudagsmorgni.
9.00 Fréttir.
9.03 Kantötur Bachs. -
10.00 Fréttlr.
10.03 Veöurfregnir.
10.15 Haust í IJóöum og sögum.
11.00 Guösþjónusta í Hallgrimsklrkju. Séra
Jón Dalbú Hróbjartsson prédikar.
12.00 Dagskrá sunnudagsins.
12.20 Hádegisfréttir.
12.45 Veöurfregnir.
13.00 Samtal á sunnudegi.
14.00 Ég er ekki maður, ég er dinamít.
15.00 Þú dýra llst.
16.00 Fréttir og veöurfregnlr.
16.08 Slnfóníutónlelkar.
18.00 Kvöldfréttlr.
18.28 Sögur herma: Lítil rytjuleg kona.
18.52 Dánarfregnlr og auglýsingar.
19.00 Hljóöritasafnlð.
19.30 Veöurfregnir.
19.40 Umslag.
20.00 Óskastundln.
21.00 Lesiö fyrir þjóðina.
22.00 Fréttlr.
22.10 Veöurfregnir.
22.15 Orö kvöldsins.
22.30 Til allra átta.
23.00 Frjálsar hendur.
24.00 Fréttlr.
00.10 Um lágnættið.
01.00 Veöurspá.
01.10 Útvarpaö á samtengdum rásum til
-Ja 90,1/99,9
9.03 Spegill, spegill. 10.03 Stjörnuspegill.
11.00 Úrval dægurmálaútvarps. 12.20 Hádeg-
isfréttir. 13.00 Sunnudagslæriö. 15.00 Sunnu-
dagskaffi. 16.00 Fréttir. 16.08 Rokkland.
18.00 Kvöldfréttir. 18.28 Hálftími meö
200.000 Naglbítum 19.00 Tónar. 20.45
Lýsing frá leik Makedóníu og íslands. 22.10
Tengja. 24.00 Fréttir.
09.00 Anna Kristine. 11.00 Hafþor Freyr. 12.00
Darri Ólafsson. 16.00 Halldór Backman. 19.00
Fréttir. 20.00 Henný Árnadóttir. 01.00 Nætur-
■ Snyrti og nuddstofan
A Laugarnesvegi 82
Sími 5531330
Andlitsböð ■ Húðslípun
Augnhárapermanett ■ Litun
Handsnyrting ■ Fótsnyrting
Vaxmeðferð ■ Förðunartatto
Parafango ■ Strata 321
Sjúkranudd ■ Vöðvanudd
Slökunarnudd • Sogæðanudd
Opið: Mán-föstd. 9:00 til 20:00
Laugard. 10:00 til 16:00
11.00 Ólafur. 15.00
Andri. 23.00 Reynir.
fm 103,7
Hemmi feiti. 19.00
06.00 Athöfnin (La Cérémonie).
08.00 Frægt fólk. Shirley McLaine.
10.00 Umsátriö
12.00 Regnboginn (Rainbow).
14.00 Frægt fólk. Shlrley McLaine.
16.00 Umsátriö
18.00 Regnboginn (Rainbow).
20.00 Hvarfiö (Missing).
22.00 *Sjáöu
22.15 Athöfnin (La Cérémonie)
24.00 Brjálaöa bófagengiö (Posse II. Los
02.00 Hvarfið (Missing).
04.00 Á hættusvæöi (Danger Zone 3).
06.00 Morgunsjónvarp.
10.00 Máttarstund.
11.00 Blönduö dagskrá.
14.00 Þetta er þinn dagur - Benny Hinn.
14.30 Líf í Oröinu meö Joyce Meyer.
15.00 Boðskapur Central Baptist kirkjunnar.
15.30 Náö til þjóöanna meö Pat Francis.
16.00 Frelsiskalliö með Freddie Filmore.
16.30 700-klúbburinn.
17.00 Samverustund.
18.30 Elím.
19.00 Believers Christian Fellowship.
19.30 Náö til þjóöanna meö Pat Francis.
20.00 Vonartjós. Bein útsending.
21.00 Bænastund.
21.30 700-klúbburinn.
22.00 Máttarstund.
22.30 Lofiö Drottin (Praise the Lord).
23.00 Boöskapur Central Baptist kirkjunnar.
fm 102,2
11.00 Kristófer Helgason. 14.00 Albert
Ágústsson. 18.00 Ókynnt Stjörnulög.
■ . fm ioo,7
10.00 Bachstundin (2:5). 22.00 Bachstundin (e).
GHMBSSBffiS'i-.!. tm 90,9
10.00 Davíö Torfi. 14.00 Sigvaldi Búi. 18.30
Músík og minningar
07.00 Hvati og félagar 11.00 Þór Bæring
15.00 Svali 19.00 Heiðar Austmann. 22.00
Rólegt og rómantískt.
12.00 Gotti. 16.00 Ómar Smith. 22.00
Mónó músík mix.
Sendir út alla daga, allan daginn.
Sendir út talaö mál allan sólarhringinn.
Eik Country
kr. 2.695 m!
Sími 525-3000 • www.husa.is
23.30 Nætursjónvarp. °,pid-i6
| Aðrar stöðvar o K\-1°
SKY NEWS 10.00 News on the Hour 10.30 The
Book Show 11.00 SKY News Today 12.30 Fashlon TV
13.00 SKY News Today 13.30 Showbiz Weekly 14.00
News on the Hour 14.30 Technofilextra 15.00 News
on the Hour 16.00 Uve at Five 17.00 News on the
Hour 18.30 Sportsline 19.00 News on the Hour 19.30
The Book Show 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30
Showbiz Weekly 21.00 SKY News at Ten 22.00 News
on the Hour 23.30 CBS Evening News 24.00 News on
the Hour 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 Fashion TV
2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 The Book Show 3.00
News on the Hour 3.30 Week In Revlew 4.00 News on
the Hour 4.30 CBS Evening News
VH-1 10.00 Behlnd the Music: Blondle 11.00 Solid
Gold Sunday Hlts 14.00 Solld Gold Hits Weekend
18.00 The VHl Album Chart Show 19.00 Talk Muslc
19.30 Greatest Hlts: Bob Marley 20.00 Rhythm &
Clues 21.00 Behind the Muslc: 1977 22.00 BTM 2:
Beck 22.30 Greatest Hits: Phll Colllns 23.00 Solid
Gold Hlts 24.00 VHl Country 0.30 VHl Soul Vlbration
1.00 VHl Late Shlft
TCM 18.00 Interrupted Melody, 20.00 Yankee
Doodle Dandy 22.05 Dark Vlctory 23.50 George Was-
hlngton Slept Here 1.20 Romeo and Juliet
CNBC EUROPE 10.00 cnbc sports 12.00 cnbc
Sports 14.00 Market Wcek 14.30 Wall Street Journal
15.00 Europe Thls Week 15.30 Asia Thls Week 16.00
Meet the Press 17.00 Tlme and Agaln 17.45 Dateline
18.30 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 19.15 Latc
Night With Conan O'Brlen 20.00 Late Nlght Wlth Conan
O'Brlen 21.00 CNBC Sports 22.00 CNBC Sports 23.00
CNBC Asla Squawk Box 0.30 Europe This Week 1.00
Asia Market Watch 2.00 Meet the Press 3.00 Market
Week 3.30 Wall Street Joumal
EUROSPORT 10.30 Rowlng: Olymplc Games at
Sydney Intemationa! Regatta Centre, Penrlth Lakes
11.30 Artlstic Gymnastlcs: Olymplc Games at Sydney
Super Dome 12.30 Athletlcs: Olympic Games at Sydn-
ey’s Olympic Stadlum 14.30 Olympic Games: Team
Splrlt 15.00 Diving: Olymplc Games at Sydney
International Aquatlc Centre 16.00 Olympic Games:
Olymplc Extra 16.30 Welghtllftlng: Olymplc Games at
Sydney Conventlon Centre, Darllng Harbour 18.00
Artistlc Gymnastics: Olymplc Games at Sydney Super
Dome 19.00 Athletics: Olymplc Games at Sydney's
Olymplc Stadlum 21.00 News: Sportscentre 21.15
Boxlng: Olymplc Games at Sydney Exhibitlon Centre,
Darling Harbour 22.30 Wrestiing: Olympic Games at
Sydney Exhibltlon Centre, Darling Harbeur 0.30
Equestrlanlsm: Olympic Games at Sydney Equestrian
Centre, Horsley Park 1.00 Close
HALLMARK 10.00 Aftershock: Earthquake in
New York 11:25 Love Songs 13.05 Skylark 14.50
Molly 15.20 Sarah, Plain and Tall: Winter’s End 17.00
Enslavement: The True Story of Fanny Kemble 18.50
The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns 20.20 The
Magical Legend of the Leprechauns 21.55 So Proudly
We Hall 23.30 Love Songs 1.10 All Creatures Great
and Small 2.30 Skylark 4.10 Sarah, Plain and Tall:
Winter's End
CARTOON NETWORK 10.00 Dragonball Z
Rewind 11.00 Looney Tunes 12.00 Superchunk 14.00
Scooby Doo 14.30 Dexter's Laboratory 15.00 The
Powerpuff Girls 15.30 Angela Anaconda 16.00 Ed,
Edd ‘n’ Eddy 16.30 Johnny Bravo.
ANIMAL PLANET 10.00 The Aquanauts 10.30
Monkey Business 11.00 Croc Rles 11.30 Croc Rles
12.00 Emergency Vets 12.30 Emergency Vets 13.00
Vets on the Wildside 13.30 Vets on the Wildside 14.00
Wlld Rescues 14.30 Wild Rescues 15.00 Lassle 15.30
Lassie 16.00 Monkey Business 16.30 Monkey
Business 17.00 Animal X 17.30 Animal X 18.00 ESPU
18.30 Animal Alrport 19.00 Wild Rescues 19.30 Wlld
Rescues 20.00 Untamed Africa 21.00 Animal Legends
21.30 Anlmal Legends 22.00 The Last Paradlses 22.30
The Last Paradises 23.00 Close
BBC PRIME 10.00 Celebrlty Ready, Steady, Cook
10.30 Celebrlty Ready, Steady, Cook 11.00 Style Chal-
lenge 11.25 Style Challenge 12.00 Doctors 12.30
EastEnders Omnlbus 14.00 SuperTed 14.10 Playdays
14.30 Tradlng Places - French Exchange 15.00 Golng for
a Song 15.25 The Great Antlques Hunt 16.10 Antlques
Roadshow 17.00 Home Front: Inslde Out 18.00 The
Generous Rlch 18.50 Parklnson 19.30 The Heart Surge-
on 21.00 Anlmal Police 21.30 Animal Pollce 22.00
Bergerac 23.00 Leamlng History: In the Footsteps of Al-
exander the Great 0.00 Learnlng Sclence: Horlzon 4.30
Learnlng Engllsh: Ozmo English Show 9
on Reds @ Rve 17.00 Red Hot News 17.30 Watch
This If You Love Man U! 18.30 Reserve Match
Highlights 19.00 Red'Hot News 19.30 Supermatch -
Premler Classic 21.00 Red Hot News 21.30
Centipedes 10.30 Nulla Pambu: the Good Snake 11.00
Dancers of The Deep 12.00 Moose on the Loose 13.00
Wlld Family Secrets 13.30 Uquid Earth 14.00 Sea
Turtle Story 15.00 Australla’s Rying Foxes 15.30
Australia’s Marsupials 16.00 Scorpions & Centipedes
16.30 Nulla Pambu: the Good Snake 17.00 Dancers of
the Dcep 18.00 Wild Family Secrets 18.30 The
Serpent’s Delight 19.00 The Adopted Kangaroo 19.30
Leafy Sea Dragons 20.00 Shadow of the Shark 21.00
Fairy Pengulns: the Secret of Sydney Harbour 22.00
King Koala 23.00 Kangaroo Comeback 0.00 The
Adopted Kangaroo 0.30 Leafy Sea Dragons 1.00 Close
DISCOVERY 10.10 On the Inside: Diamonds!
11.30 Uvlng Past 100: Staying Alive Longer Into the
21st Century 12.25 Ultimate Guide: Octopus 13.15
Storm Force: Tornado 14.10 The Last Great Adventure
of the Century: on the Edge of the Impossible 15.05
Nightfighters: the Defenders 16.00 Crocodile Hunter:
Wildest Home Videos 17.00 History’s Mysterles:
Witches - Myth and Reality 18.00 Gangsters: the
Promised Land 19.00 Gangsters: the Bootleg Years
20.00 Gangsters: the Mob Underground 21.00 Medical
Detectives: Insect Clues 21.30 Tales from the Black
Museum 22.00 Trailblazers: Ireland 23.00 Connections:
Elementary Stuff 24.00 The 20th Century: the Port
Chicago Mutiny 1.00 Close
MTV 14.00 Guess What? 15.00 MTV Data Vldeos
16.00 News Weekend Edltion 16.30 Making the Vid-
eo 17.00 So 90’s 19.00 MTV Uve 19.30 MTV Uve
20.00 Amour 23.00 Sunday Night Music Mix
CNN 9.00 World News 9.30 World Sport 10.00 World
News Í0.30 CNN Hotspots 11.00 World News 11.30
Diplomatic Ucense 12.00 News Update/World Report
12.30 World Report 13.00 World News 13.30 Inside Af-
rica 14.00 World News 14.30 World Sport 15.00 World
News 15.30 Showbiz This Weekend 16.00 Late Edition
16.30 Late Editlon 17.00 World News 17.30 Buslness
Unusual 18.00 World News 18.30 Inside Europe 19.00
World News 19.30 The Artclub 20.00 World News
20.30 CNNdotCOM 21.00 World News 21.30 World
Sport 22.00 CNN World View 22.30 Style 23.00 CNN
Worid View 23.30 Science & Technology Week 0.00
CNN World View 0.30 Asian Edition 0.45 Asla Business
Mornlng 1.00 CNN & Tlme 2.00 World News 2.30 The
Artclub 3.00 Worid News 3.30 Pinnacle
Góö tiiboð
a,,a daga
EÍnnig næst á Breiöbandinu: MUTV (Sjónvarpsstöö Manchester United), ARD (þýska ríkissjónvarpiö), ProSieben (þýsk afþreyingarstöö), RaiUno (ítalska ríkissjónvarpiö),
TV5 (frönsk menningarstöö) og TVE (spænska ríkissjónvarpiö).
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