Morgunblaðið - 29.09.2008, Qupperneq 31
Raðauglýsingar 569 1100
Byggingafyrirtæki -
Argo ráðgjöf ehf býður byggingafyrir-
tækum og leigufélögum eftirfarandi
Fyrir byggingafélög:
Stofnun leigufélaga, útvegun staðfestinga
ráðuneytis, kaupsamninga milli bygginga-
aðila og leigufélags, ásamt því að sækja um
leigulán til Íbúðalánasjóðs.
Fyrir leigufélög:
Útleiga íbúðarhúsnæðis, samningagerð og
öll samskipti við leigjendur.
Fyrir bygginga- og leigufélög:
Stofnun og rekstur húsfélaga.
Starfsmenn Argo ráðgjafar hafa víðtæka
reynslu og þekkingu á öllum þessum sviðum
og eru fúsir til skrafs og ráðagerða.
Argo ráðgjöf ehf
Reykjavík - Akureyri
Sími 587 7600;
InThe High Court of Justice
Chancery Division
Companies Court
No: 6107 of 2008
In the matter of Invesco Pensions
- and -
in the matter ofThreadneedle Pensions Limited
- and -
in the matter ofThe Financial Services And Markets Act 2000
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 23 July 2008 Invesco Pensions Limited ("Invesco") and
Threadneedle Pensions Limited ("Threadneedle") applied to the High Court of Justice for:
1. an Order under Part VII of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the "Act") sanctioning a
scheme (the "Scheme") providing for the transfer toThreadneedle of Invesco's full service
defined contribution pension insurance business (the "Transferred Business"); and
2. an Order making ancillary provision in connection with the implementation of the Scheme
under Section 112 of the Act.
A notice of the proposed transfer was published in the Official Legal Gazette of
Iceland on 27 August 2008.The proposed transfer will result in the unit linked defined
contribution insurance policies (and a small number of investment only policies) written by
Invesco as part of theTransferred Business being carried on byThreadneedle.The proposed
transfer will secure the continuation by or againstThreadneedle of any legal proceedings by or
against Invesco that relate to rights and obligations in respect of theTransferred Business.
All claims and payments being dealt with before the transfer by Invesco will following the
transfer be dealt with byThreadneedle. All claims and payments arising after the transfer will be
dealt with byThreadneedle.
The application is directed to be heard before the Companies Court Judge at the Royal Courts of
Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL on 17 October 2008 and any person (including any employee
of Invesco orThreadneedle) who alleges that he or she would be adversely affected by the
carrying out of the Scheme may appear at the time of that hearing in person or by Counsel.
Any person who intends so to appear, and any policyholder or reinsured of Invesco or
Threadneedle who dissents from the Scheme but does not intend so to appear, is requested to
give nine days' prior notice in writing of such intention or dissent, and the reasons therefor, to the
solicitors named below.
Copies of a report on the terms of the Scheme prepared pursuant to Section 109 of the Act
(the "Independent Expert's Report") and a statement setting out the terms of the Scheme and
containing a summary of the Independent Expert's Report can be obtained free of charge at the
following websites: and and will be
provided free of charge by the solicitors named below.
29 September 2008,
Lovells LLP
Atlantic House
Holborn Viaduct
London EC1A 2FG
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7296 2000
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7296 2001
Ref: C4/NC/JSS
Solicitors for Invesco Pensions Limited
MÍMIR 6008092919 lll°
I.O.O.F. 19 18909298 9.0*GIMLI 6008092919 I Fjhst.
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