

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2005, Blaðsíða 31

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2005, Blaðsíða 31
Tímarit Hins íslenska náttúrufræðifélags stað á milli bakteríutegunda. Uppruni heilkjarnafrumna er ráðgáta. Bæði er óvissa um uppruna kjamans og það hvemig samband tókst á milli hans eða forvera hans og alfa-próteóbakteríu sem síðar varð að hvatbera. Víst er hins vegar að þetta frumuskipulag sló í gegn og nýttist síðar til þróunar fjölfmmunga, m.a. þeirra sem nú íhuga upphaf þess. Bakteríuskipulagið hefur ekki síður dugað vel. Þar sem er líf á jörðirtni þar em bakteríur og stundum engar aðrar lífvemr en þær. Heimildir 1. Zuckerkandl, E. & Pauling, L. 1965. Molecules as documents of evolutionary history. Journal of Theoretical Biology 8. 357-366. 2. Stanier, R.Y., Doudoroff, M. & Adelberg, E.A. 1957. The Microbial World, 2. útg. Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 682 bls. 3. Woese, C.R. & Fox, G.E. 1977. Phylogenetic structure of the prokaryotic domain: the primary kingdoms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 74. 5088-5090. 4. Woese, C.R., Kandler, O. & Wheelis, M.L. 1990. Towards a natural system of organisms: Proposal for the domains Archaea, Bacteria and Eucarya. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 87. 4576-4579. 5. De Long, E.F. 1998. Everything in moderation: Archaea as "non extremophiles". Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 8. 649-654. 6. Mayr, E. 1998. Two empires or three? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 95. 9720-9723. 7. Woese, C. 1998. Default taxonomy: Emst Mayr's view of the microbial world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 95. 11043-11046. 8. Bell, S.D & Jackson, S.P. 2001. Mechanism and regulation of transcrip- tion in archaea. Current Opinion in Microbiology 4. 208-213. 9. Soppa, J. 1999. Transcription initiation in Archaea: facts, factors and future aspects. Molecular Microbiology 31. 1295-1305. 10. Woese, C. 2002. On the evolution of cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 99. 8742-8747. 11. Dennis, P.P. 1997. Ancient ciphers: translation in Archaea. Cell 89. 1007-1010. 12. Edgell, D.R. & Doolittle, W.F. 1997. Archaea and the origin(s) of DNA replication proteins. Cell 89. 995-998. 13. Iwabe, N., Kuma, K.-I., Hasegawa, M., Osawa, S. & Miyata, T. 1989. Evolutionary relationship of archaebacteria, eubacteria, and eukaryotes inferred from phylogenetic trees of duplicated genes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 86. 9355-9359. 14. Doolittle, R.F. & Brown, J.R. 1994. Tempo, mode, the progenote, and the universal root. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 91. 6721-6728. 15. Forterre, P. & Philippe, H. 1999. Where is the root of the universal tree of life? BioEssays 21. 871-879. 16. Penny, D. & Poole, A. 1999. The nature of the last universal common ancestor. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 9. 672-677. 17. Mushegian, A.R. & Koonin, E.V. 1996. A minimal gene set for cellular life derived by comparison of complete bacterial genomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 93.10268-10273. 18. Guðmundur Eggertsson 2004. Mótun lífs. RNA-tímabilið í sögu lífsins. Náttúrufræðingurinn 72. 39-46. 19. Woese, C. 1998. The universal ancestor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 95. 6854-6859. 20. Achenbacher-Richter, L., Gupta, R., Stetter, K.O. & Woese, C.R. 1987. Were the original eubacteria thermophiles? Systematic and Applied Microbiology 9. 34-39. 21. Wáchtersháuser, G. 1998. The case for a hyperthermophilic, chemo- lithoautotropic origin of life in an iron-sulfur world. Bls. 47-57 í: J. Wiegel & Adams, M.W.W. (ritstj.). Thermophiles: the keys to molecu- lar evolution and the origin of life? Taylor and Francis, London. 346 bls. 22. Guðmundur Eggertsson 2003. Uppruni lífs. Fyrstu skrefin. Náttúru- fræðingurinn 71. 145-152. 23. Levy, M. & Miller, S.L. 1998. The stability of RNA bases: Implications for the origin of life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 95. 7933-7938. 24. Miller, S.L. & Lazcano, A. 1995. The origin of life - did it occur at high temperatures? Journal of Molecular Evolution 41. 689-697. 25. Forterre, P. 1995. Thermoreduction, a hypothesis for the origin of prokaryotes. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Paris. Life Sciences 318. 415-422. 26. Lake, J.A. 1999. Mix and match in the tree of life. Science 283. 2027-2028. 27. Rivera, M.C., Jain, R., Moore, J.E. & Lake, J.A. 1998. Genomic evidence for two functionally different gene classes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 95. 6239-6244. 28. Lawrence, J.G. 1999. Gene transfer, speciation, and the evolution of bac- terial genomes. Current Opinion in Microbiology 2. 519-523. 29. Lawrence, J.G. & Ochman, H. 1998. Molecular archaeology of the Escherichia coli genome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 95. 9413-9417. 30. Brochier, C., Bapteste, E., Moreira, D. «& Philippe, H. 2002. Eubacterial phylogeny based on translational apparatus proteins. Trends in Genetics 18. 1-5. 31. Gray, M.W., Burger, G. & Lang, B.F. 1999. Mitochondrial evolution. Science 283.1476-1481. 32. Margulis, L. 1981. Symbiosis in Cell Evolution. W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco. 419 bls. 33. Brocks, J.J., Logan, G.A., Buick, R. & Summons, R.E. 1999. Archean mol- ecular fossils and the early rise of eukaryotes. Science 285.1033-1036. 34. Knoll, A.J. 2003. Life on a young planet. Princeton University Press, Princeton. 277 bls. 35. Anderson, S.G.E. & Kurland, C.G. 1999. Origins of mitochondria and hydrogenosomes. Current Opinion in Microbiology 2. 535-541. PÓSTFANG HÖFUNDAR/AUTHOR’S ADDRESS Guðmundur Eggertsson Líffræðistofnun háskólans Sturlugata 7, IS-101 Reykjavík gudmegg@hi.is Um höfundinn Guðmundur Eggertsson (f. 1933) lauk magistersprófi í erfðafræði frá Kaupmannahafnarháskóla 1958 og doktorsprófi í örveruerfðafræði frá Yale-háskóla í Bandaríkjunum 1965. Hann var prófessor í líffræði við Háskóla íslands frá 1969-2003. Guðmundur vinnur að rannsóknum á hitakærum örverum. 101
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