Menntamál - 01.12.1967, Blaðsíða 83
Tiegs o. íl.
Tiegs o. fl.
Tiegs o. fl.
Tiegs o. fl.
Tiegs o. fl.
Tiegs o. fl.
Tiegs o. fl.
Whipple o. fl.
Whipple o. fl.
Whipple o. fl.
Whipple o. fl.
Whipple o. fl.
Wikström o. fl.
Witty o. fl.
Witty o. fl.
Witty o. fl.
Witty o. fl.
Witty o. fl.
Witty o. fl.
Witty o. fl.
Beauchamp o. fl.
Beauchamp o. fl.
Betts o. fl.
Casserberg o. fl.
Craig o. fl.
Delotte o. fl.
Delotte o. fl.
Gray o. fl.
Gray o. fl.
Gray o. fl.
Skriv rigtigt .......................... 1955
Teachers’ manual to accomp. Stor. ab.
Linda Lee .......................... 1954
Teach manual to acc. Stories about Sally 1954
Teach rnanual to acc. Your country and
mine ............................... 1953
Teach manual to acc. Your country and
the world .......................... 1952
Teach. manual to acc. Your country’s
story............................... 1954
Teach. manual to acc. Your town and
mine ............................... 1954
Teach. manual to acc. Your world and
mine ............................... 1953
Teach. manual for At home on our earth 1955
Teacch. manual for Living on our earth 1955
Teach. manual for Our earth ............ 1955
Teach. manual for Our earth and man 1955
Teach. manual for Using our earth .... 1955
Rakneboken, första skoláret ............ 1954
Teach. guide for Do and dare............ 1951
Teach. guide for Pun and frolic......... 1955
Teach guide for Luck and pluck ......... 1950
Teach. guide for Lost and found ........ 1947
Teach. guide for Merry hearts and bold 1950
Teach. guide for See and do, Ned and
Nancy o. fl......................... 1947
Teach. guide for Something different . . 1947
Teach. guide for The brave and free .. 1950
Teachers’ guide and testbook (Our big
world) ............................. 1953
Discoveríng our world, 3 bindi ......... 1952
How do we know.......................... 1952
Language arts spellers, gr. 2—6, 5 hefti 1954
Word power through spelling in the
classroom ............................
Building better - English, grade 3—8, 6 h. 1952—55
Building our world..................... 1951
Handleddning till Hembygdsboken, 6 h. 1954—55
Our World of Science, 7 hefti.......... 1950—51
Exercises de grammaire (Prancais) o. s.
frv................................ 1962
Grammaire Prancaise de Cucle d'Ob-
servat............................. 1963
Guidebooks, 4—8 ....................... 1946—48
Guideb. for paths and pathfinders, 7 b. 1946
The new basic readers, 12, 21, 22, 32, 31 1952—53
History first series, 2 bækur ......... 1958
Allmanna anvisningar för undervisning
och fostran pá skol. h. st......... 1959
Television for school sicence ......... 1960
Hjælpeskolen .......................... 1953
Skrivmaskiner i den elem. lás- skrivund. v. 1962