Menntamál - 01.12.1967, Síða 98
Skard o. fl.
Söderlund o. fl.
Gunnarsson, Ólafur
Guðjónsson, Skúli V.
Moore o. fl.
Moore o. fl.
Orieux o. fl.
Sjöholm o. fl.
Tiegs o. fl.
Tiegs o. fl.
Tiegs o. fl.
Tiegs o. fl.
Tiegs o. fl.
Tiegs o. fl.
Tiegs o. fl.
Tiegs o. fl.
Bréant o. fl.
Casserberg o. fl.
Charters o. fl.
Charters o. fl.
Charters o. fl.
Charters o. fl.
Charters o. fl.
Charters o. fl.
Cutright o. fl.
Cutright o. fl.
Cutright o. fl.
Priðriksson, Kristján
Verdenshist. for realskolen og gymnasi. 1959
Historie fedrelandet og verden ........ 1957
Allmán historia ....................... 1956
Med plog och svárd, 3. hluti .......... 1957
Altertum-Friihmittelalter.............. 1957
Verdens historie ...................... 1930
Historia för enhetsskolan.............. 1959
Starfsval (Hvað viltu verða?) ......... 1965
Manneldi og heilsufar í fornöld........ 1949
Makers of the Americas ................ 1955
Visiting our neighbors ................ 1951
Working and playing.................... 1950
Vi flyger med Stina och Anders......... 1954
Lecons de choses....................... 1952
Tysta övningar vid hembygdsunderv. 3.—
8. hefti........................... 1950
Stories about Linda and Lee ........... 1954
Stories about Sally.................... 1954
Your country and mine.................. 1954
Your country and the world............. 1954
Your life as a citizen................. 1952
Your people and mine .................. 1955
Your town and mine .................... 1954
Your world and mine.................... 1954
Was machen Hans und Grete den lieben
langen Tag ........................ 1959
Student 63 Handbok om yrken och ut-
bildningsv. f. stud................ 1962
Ett skepp kommer lastat ............... 1957
Nous les enfants ...................... 1955
Land og by ............................ 1940
Building our communities .............. 1954
Building our town ..................... 1950
Hembygdsboken, 6 hefti ................ 1953—55
A sound body .......................... 1955
Growing up healthily .................. 1955
Habits healthful and safe ............. 1955
Health secrets ........................ 1955
Healthful ways ........................ 1955
Let’s be healthy ...................... 1955
Guidebook for the health and personal
development, book A ............... 1949
Guidebook sjá 1418 bók 5, You ....... 1948
Guidebook sjá 1418 bók 6, You and others 1949
Road to health, the 6 bœkur ......... 1954
Living together at home and at school .. 1954
Living together in town and contry .... 1954
Living together now and long ago..... 1954
Leaders in other lands .............. 1950
Pioneer children of America ......... 1955
All about us ........................ 1957
Verkefni í teiknun og átthagafræði, II h. 1937
Stina och Anders i Spanien och Portugal 1956