

Ægir - 01.12.1998, Page 11

Ægir - 01.12.1998, Page 11
Meiri afli með öflugri vél HJEKLA véladeild Laugavegi 170-174 bhp bkw mph asp. rpm cs** 5310 3960 5380 TA 750 cs 5579 4160 5660 TA 800 MC** 5847 4360 5930 TA 750 MC 6142 4580 6225 TA 800 CS 6169 4600 6250 TA 900 CS 6598 4920 6690 TA 1000 MC 6785 5060 6880 TA 900 MC 7268 5420 7370 TA 1000 * Eingöngu lyrir skintiskrútubúnað AGIR 11



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