Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Síða 135
Inngangs-, boðsfyrirlestur á ráðstefnu Early growth and adult
diseases. 150302 (kl. 13.30-14.15) á Nordic Dietetic Confer-
ence 14.-16. mars 2002 í Osló, Noregi.
Gunnarsdottir I, Birgisdottir BE, Gudnason V, Benediktsson R,
Thorsdottir I. Size at birth and truncal fatness in adulthoood,
and their contribution to development of hypertension and
coronary heart disease. The 2nd Conference on Epidemio-
logical Longitudinal Studies in Europe 12.-14. júní Oulu,
Birgisdotttir BE, Gunnarsdottir I, Gudnason V, Benediktsson R,
Thorsdottir I. Size at birth and the metabolic syndrome in
Iceland. The 2nd Conference on Epidemiological
Longitudinal Studies in Europe 12.-14. júní Oulu, Finnlandi.
Kristberg Kristbergsson dósent
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Sveinsdottir K, Hyldig G, Martinsdotir E, Jørgensen B, Krist-
bergsson K. 2002. Application of quality index method (QIM)
scheme in shelf life study of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo
salar). J. Food Sci. 64(4)1570-1579.
Bragadóttir, M., Pálmadóttir, H., and Kristbergsson, K. 2002. Se-
asonal changes in chemical composition and quality para-
meters of capelin (Mallotus villosus). J. Aquat. Food Prod.
Technol. 11(3/4)87-103.
Thorainsdottir KA, Arason S, Geirsdotir M, Bogason SG, Krist-
bergsson K. 2002. Changes in myofibrilar proteins during
processing of salted cod (Gadus morhua) determined by el-
ectrophoresis and differential scanning calorimetry. Food
Chemistry 77(3)327-335.
Kristbergsson K, Sigfusson H. 2002. Use of Brabender Viscog-
raph E to measure some rheological properties of minced
fish muscle. J. Texture Studies 33(3) 183-200.
Wendel A, Park, JW, Kristbergsson K. Recovered meat from
Pacific whiting frame. 2002. J. Aquat. Food Prod. Tech.
Magnús M. Kristjánsson dósent
Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti
Arnórsdóttir, J., Smáradóttir, R. B., Magnússon, Ó. Th., Thor-
bjarnardóttir, S. H., Eggertsson, G., and Kristjánsson, M. M.
(2002). Characterization of a cloned subtilisin-like serine
proteinase from a psychrotrophic Vibrio-species. Eur. J.
Biochem. 269, 5536-5546.
Kristjánsson, M. M., & Ásgeirsson, B. (2002). Properties of ex-
tremophilic enzymes and their importance for food science
and technology. Í Handbook of Food Enzymology. (Whitaker,
J, Voragen, F., Wong, D. & Beldman, G, ritstj.) Kafli 8. bls. 77-
100. Marcel Decker, Inc.
Kristjánsson, M. M. (2002). Cold-adaptation of a subtilisin-like
serine proteinase from a psychrotrophic Vibrio-species. Er-
indi flutt á málþinginu: Robert E. Feeney, One of the last
great protein chemists, sem haldið var við University of
California, Davis, 3. júní 2002.
Arnórsdóttir, J., Þorbjarnardóttir, S. H., Eggertsson, G., & Krist-
jánsson, M. M. (2002). Characterization of mutants of a cold-
adapted subtilisin-like serine proteinase. Extremophiles
2002. The 4th International Congress on Extremophiles í Na-
pólí, Ítalíu, 22.-26. september 2002.
Kristjánsson, M. M. (2002). Hitastigsaðlögun ensíma. Á vísinda-
dögum Rannís, 1.-2. nóvember 2002.
Arnórsdóttir, J., Þorbjarnardóttir, S. H., Eggertsson, G., & Krist-
jánsson, M. M. (2002). Characterization of mutants of a cold-
adapted subtilisin-like serine proteinase. Veggspjald birt á
vísindadögum Rannís, 1.-2. nóvember 2002.
Sigurjón Arason dósent
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Thórarinsdótir, K. A., Arason, S., Geirsdótir, M., Bogason, S. G.,
and Kristbergsson, K. 2002. Changes in myofibrilar proteins
during processing of salted cod (Gadus morhua)
determined by electrophoresis and Differential Scanning
Calorimetry. Food chem. 77(3)327-335.
Thorarinsdottir, K. A., Arason, S., and Thorkelsson, S. 2002. The
Effects of Light Salting on Physicochemical Characteristics
of Frozen Cod Fillets (Gadus morhua). J. Aquatic Food
Product Technology, 11(3/4) 287-301.
Fræðilegar skýrslur og álitsgerðir
Guðbjörnsdottir, B., Arason, S., and Beyer, G. 2002. Hygienic
properties of wood-Field studies on wooden pallets and
wood in constructions (gluelam). Report in Nordic Wood 2
NI at the Project P 99095 „Wood in the Food Industry“.
Yngvadóttir, E., Eyjólfsdóttir, H. R., and Arason, S. 2002.
ORKUSPAR – An energy efficiency improvement simulator
(2nd report). Project report IFL 05-02.
Gunnarsson, J. R., Arason, S., Gudmundsdottir, G., and Gisla-
son, J. 2002. Fish Protein Hydrolysates (FPH) from
byproducts. Some functional properties. Preliminary report
i verkefninu: Utilisation and stabilisation of by-products
from cod species. EU-project: QLK1-CT-2000-01017: Fishery
Arason, S. 2002. Utilization of Fish Byproducts in Iceland. Erindi
flutt á alþjóðráðstefnunni „2nd International Seafood
Byproduct Conference“ í Anchorage, November 11-13, 2002
in Alaska. Erindinu dreift í ráðstefnugögnum.
Sigurjón Arason. 2002. Aukinn nýting á sjávarfangi. Erindi
haldið á haustráðstefnu FENÚR. Haldinn í Sesseljuhúsi,
Sólheimum í Grímsnesi, nóvember 2002.
Rustad, T., Aursand, M., Arason, S., Shaw, N., Pommer, K., and
van de Vis, H. Berge, J-P. 2002. Utilisation and stabilisation
of by-products from cod species. EU-project: QLK1-CT-
2000-01017: Fishery by-products. WEFTA 32nd Meeting,
13th-15th May 2002.
Rustad, T., Aursand, M., Arason, S., Shaw, N., Pommer, K., van
de Vis, H., and Berge, J-P. 2002. Utilisation and stabilisation
of by-products from cod species. EU-project: QLK1-CT-
2000-01017: Fishery by-products. Oral presentations at
Lipidforum seminar „By-products in marine processing
industry“ Trondheim 29.-31. May 2002.
Jónsdóttir, R., Thórarinsdóttir, K. A., and Arason, S. 2002.
Variations in fat content and fatty acids composition of liver
and viscera from different cod species. Erindi á Lipidforum
seminar „By-products in marine processing industry“
Trondheim 29.-31. May 2002.
Arason, S. 2002 „Bætt gæði – frá veiðum til vinnslu (Forbedring
av råvarens kvalitet – fra fangst til fabrik)“ Ráðstefna, 5.
september 2002. Í tengslum við sjávarútvegssýninguna í
Arason, S., og Yngvadóttir, E. 2002. Development of energy
simulator in the fish industry – ORKUSPAR. Workshop for
Life Cycle Assessment in seafood, held in Reykjavik.