Árdís - 01.01.1949, Blaðsíða 95
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna
Board of Directors of Sunrise Lutheran Camp at Husavik — For
a period of two years: Rev. E. H. Fafnis, N.D.; Rev. B. A.
Bjarnason, Arborg; Dr. E. Johnson, Selkirk; S. 0. Bjerring,
Winnipeg; Sveinn Palmason, Winnipeg Beach; Mrs. C. Thor-
steisson, Baldur; Mrs. Anna Magnusson, Selkirk; Mrs. S. 0.
Thompson, Riverton.
Retiring Members, Mr. H. Sigurdson and Mrs. Fjola Gray were
replaced by Dr. F. E. Scribner, Gimli, and Mrs. I. J. Olafsson,
Selkirk, who will finish the second year of their term.
Sunday School Committee, Mx*s. Elizabeth Bjarnarson, Langruth;
Mrs. S. Sigurgeirsson, Lundar; Mrs. Anna Skaptason, Winnipeg.
Publication Committee for Ardis, Chief Editor, Mrs. Ingibjorg J.
Olafsson, Selkirk; Assistant Editoi's, Mi's. Thjodbjorg Henrickson,
and Miss Lilja Guttormsson, Winnipeg; Business Manager, Mrs.
Inga Gillies, Assistant Manager, Mrs. Flora Benson; Rural
Representatives, Mi-s. G. A. Erlendson, Ax-borg; Mrs. Sarah
Childerhose, Selkii’k; and Mrs. Elizabeth Bjarnarson, Langruth.
Propei'ty Committee, Mrs. I. J. Olafsson, Selkirk; Mrs. Sigridur
Bjerring, Winnipeg; Mrs. Sarah Childerhose, Selkii'k.
(11) Delegates Chosen to Attend the Synodical Con-
VENTION AT Argyle — Mrs. Thjodbjoi'g Henrickson and Mrs.
Sigi’idur Sigui'geii’sson.
The 1950 convention will be held at Lundar, where members
will be guests of the Ladies’ Aid “Björk.”
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Compliments of . . .
Phone 101