

Skólablaðið - 01.12.1963, Side 16

Skólablaðið - 01.12.1963, Side 16
76 - P SENN líður að jólum og áramótum. Fyrri hluti starfsárs er liðinn. Unnin störf er óþarft að kynna. Vonandi hafa flestir fundið eitthvað, er vakið hefur áhuga þeirra, þá er tilganginum náð. Eigi mun ég heldur fjölyrða um verðandi starf, en við eigum von margra góðra gesta og verkefnin eru óþrjótandi. Listafélagið er ekki einungis félag fáeinna manna, það er félag ykkar allra ( sbr. lög félagsins I. kap. 4. gr. ! ). Ef þið hafið góða hugmynd í kollinum, þá kom- ið henni á framfæri. Langi ykkur til að lesa eitthvað, leika, tala og kynna hinum menningarlegar og listrænar uppgötvanir ykkar gefið ykkur fram við einhvern stjórn- seta félagsins ( sjá Skólablaðið, l.tbl. 39.árg. bls. 15 og 24 ). Verið óhrædd, þyki efnið ekki hæft, verður það ekki flutt og fer ekki lengra. Allir til starfa. Gleðileg jól ! 10. desember 1963. Kristín Gísladóttir Last year 1 graduated from Hillsboro High School in Nashville, Tennessee. The school is a large white building located just south of town. There are 1300 students attending the four grades of this school they range in age from fourteen years to eighteen years. We attend school for five days a week from 8:15 in the morning until 3:30 in the afternoon. We have six classes a day with forty-five minutes for lunch. Each class period lasts about an hour. We study the same subjects each day, and are with a different group of students each hour. The teachers do not come to us ; we go to their rooms. We are allowed to choose most of our subjects, but there are a few which are required for everyone. We may take either four, five, or six subjects a year. Last year I took chemistry, physics, math.,and English. There are many outside activities ia which a student maý take part. Sports is a very popular school activity. Our school's team plays against the teams of other schools in the Nashville area. Our first sport in the fall is football. The football season lasts for over two months, and a game is played each Friday night. Next comes basketball with a game eaeh Friday and Saturday night. In the spring we have baseball and all kinds of track sports. There are also many clubs which a students can join. There are language clubs, drama clubs, speech clubs, sports clubs, and service clubs. These activities take place before and after regular school hours. Frh. á bls. 88.



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