Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1966, Síða 61

Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1966, Síða 61
THE ICELANDIC STUDENT SOCIETY IN WINNIPEG 43 of discussion was Canadian litera- ture, with special emphasis on Charles D. G. Roberts. “In addition there will be a good program with ten members taking part.” (Hkr. 28 Nov., 1901.) Activities were not restricted to the academic year. In a letter to Heimskringla, August 1, 1901, Ingvar Buason states that the Icelandic Stu- dents Society is currently ascertain- ing how many Icelandic books are available in translation, with a view to persuading the City library to stock these. He lists thirty-four such books, including Gylfaginning, from Snorra Edda, and Njalssaga, both translated by G. W. Dasent. At a meeting in November, there Were “three very interesting speech- es on the program”, by Ingvar Bua- son, Thos, H. Johnson, and Thor- valdur Thorvaldsson, and there were good refreshments after. (Lögberg. ^ Nov., 1901.) Fourteen new mem- bers joined at the beginning of the year, and at one meeting about fifty people were present, including stu- dents and guests. Early in December the Society was busily engaged in preparing for the production of a play, “Mademoiselle La Seigliere”, which had been trans- lated into Icelandic by Thorvaldur Thorvaldsson. The play was to be Presented first in Selkirk, then in Winnipeg, on the 16th, 17th, and !8th of the month. Actually, it was presented seven times before capa- cltY audiences. It was an expensive undertaking; period costumes were Used, the scenery was beautifully ^°ne> and the program was printed. Thorvaldur Thorvaldsson. Such were the activities of the Icelandic Students Society in their first year of operation. It was already attracting considerable notice in the Icelandic community (allmikið borið á því). (Hkr. 23 Jan., 1902.) Election of officers for the second year took place on January 11, 1902. The new president was Thorvaldur Thorvaldsson: (The complete slate of officers was as follows: Honorary President: Reverend Jon Bjarnason
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