Læknablaðið - 01.02.1969, Page 83
New in drop form MOGADON
The new way, the surer way to treat sleep disorders
• ■ NEW. (Mogadoru possesses a new
e<iotropic action. In therapeutic
d°ses it exerts a selective depressant
aetion on the structures of the limbic
system without markedly afTecting
<he other areas of the brain.This has
•he effect of screening the physio-
'°SÍcaI mechanism which controls the
0«set of sleep from disturbing emo-
l<onal stimuli. The result: deeper
s'eeP. Conventional hypnotics depress
lhe entire central nervous system,
relatively indiscriminantly inhibiting
a|l areas of the brain, thus inducing a
•hiniature anesthesia in the patient.
2. SURE. <Mogadon> is particularly
well tolerated and possesses only
minimal toxicity. The safety margin
is exceptionally wide: an overdose of
100-300 mg (i.e. 20-60 times the
normal therapeutic dose) which with
conventional hypnotics would lead to
profound coma or death merely
results in a more prolonged period of
deep sleep with relaxed musculature,
relaxed breathing and normal gir-
culation. Risk of accidental or inten-
tional poisoning is therefore reduced
to an absolute minimum.
3. EFFECTIVE. As double-blind tests
have confirmed, <Mogadon> has been
proved to be either as good as or
superior to the best known hypnotics
of the present day in rapidity of
onset, duration and depth of sleep
and condition on waking up. Thc onset
of sleep is swift but nalural. The
patient sleeps soundly but is readily
roused. He wakes refreshed with no
(Mogadon) is a Trade Mark
F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. Ltd,
Basle, Switzerland