

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1974, Side 6

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1974, Side 6
56 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ Interna,tional College of Surgeons. Fundur í Rio de Janeiro 31. marz — 3. apríl 1975. Aðal- ritari: Virgil T. DeVault, MD, International College of Surgeons, 1516 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. 60610, USA. International Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, 13th Congress, Kaupmanna- höfn 7.-11. mai 1974. Upplýsingar: DIS Con- gress Service, Kábrostræde 3, DK 1210, Koben- havn K. European Association of Radiology, 3rd Con- gress, Edinborg 22.-27. júní 1975. Upplýsingar: Prof. W. Duncan, PO Box 14, Edinburgh. Union of European Pedopsychiatrists, 5th Congress, Vin, Austurríki, 30. júní — 5. júlí 1975. Upplýsingar: Dr. F. Poustka, c/o Wiener Medizinische Akademie, Alserstrasse 4, 1090 Vienna. British Academic Conference in Otolaryngo- logy (4.), London, 20.-25. júlí 1975. Aðalritari: Andrew Morrison, FRCS., 38, Devenshire St., London W 1. International Congress on Clinicál Chemistry (9), Toronto 13.-18. júlí 1975. Upplýsingar: F. H. Sims, Women’s College Hospital, Toronto. International College of Psychosomatic Medi- cine (3rd Congress), Róm 15.-19. sept. 1975. Forseti: Próf. Ferrucio Antonelli, Via della Camilluccia 195, Rome. World Association of Societies of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology. 9th International Con- gress, Sydney, Ástralíu, 13.-17. okt. 1975. Fram- kv.stj.: K. A. Scheller, GPO Box 2609, Sydney N.S.W. 2001, Australia. World Medical Association, Annual Meeting, Tokyo, 6.-11. okt. 1975. Aðalritari: Sir Wm Refshauge, W.M.A. 21 Ave. de la Toison d’Or, 1060 Brussels, Belgium. ^ med kvedju frá höfundi J/ RIT SEND LÆKNABLAÐINU E. Allander, O. J. Björnsson, A. Kolbeins- son, Ó. Ólafsson, N. Sigfússon & J. Thor- steinsson: Rheumatoid Factor in Ice- land; A Population Study. International Journal of Epidemiology 1:211. 1972. Gunnar Guðmundsson, Jónas Hallgríms- son, Tómas Á. Jónasson & Ólafur Bjarna- son: Hereditary Cerebral Hæmorrhage with Amyloidosis. Brain 95:387. 1972. J. E. G. Benedikz, J. L. Sigurðsson & G. H. Gunnlaugsson: Sténose congénitale d’une artére sous-claviére „voleuse“. Revue Neurologique 127:597. 1972. Guðmundur Bjömsson: Iceland through the opthalmoscope at the turn of the century. Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Árs- bok. Váxjö 1973.



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