

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1975, Síða 20

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1975, Síða 20
50 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ TABLE 15 Age at Death post op. Age at Death Men Women 20-29 years 3 1 30-39 — 5 1 40-49 — 4 50-59 — 3 60-69 — 3 4 70-79 _j—_____________________2 18 8 Total 4 6 4 3 7 2 26 þeirra er (late results). Við vitum ekki, hversu margir þessara sjúklinga fá sár á ný. Það er heldur ekki vitað, hver er tíðni alvarlegra meltingartruflana eftir þessar aðgerðir, hvorki er varðar ,,Dumping“ syndroma né „resorptions“ truflanir. Þegar fyrir liggur skýrsla (statistic) um frambúðarárangur (late results) þessara aðgerða, þá getum við lagt ákveðnari plön varðandi aðgerðir við maga- og skeifu- garnasárum í framtíðinni. Við megum þó aldrei gleyma því, að það er ekki nóg að velja úr þá sjúklinga með maga- eða skeifugarnarsár, sem við álítum að þarfnist aðgerðar, heldur er vandinn ekki síðri að velja réttu aðgerðina fyrir hvern sjúkling. HEIMILD 1. Hjartavernd, 1. tbl. 7. árg., bls. 7. 1970. SUMMARY All patients with the diagnosis of peptie ulcer of he stomach and duodenum (ulcus ventri- culi or ulcus duodenl) admitted to the Sur- gical Department of the University Hospital, Landspitalinn, Reykjavik, during the period 1931-1965 are accounted for. This is a total of 1037 patients, 749 men and 288 women (men: women ratio = 2.6:l). With both sexes ulcus ventriculi is more common than ulcus duo- deni. Among men the ratio is 1.13:1 and with women 1.34:1. This ratio is not known in other hospitals in Iceland. Neither is the total frequency of this disease in Iceland known, but it is, however, seen from the Hjartavernd report that just over 10% of all men examined there (1970) have been in hospital owing to ulcus ventrieuli or uicus duodeni before reaching the age of 55 years. Out of these 1037 patients 880 underwent surgery, 660 men and 228 women (2.9:1). An account is given of symptoms, age- groups, indications for surgery, types of sur- gery, complications and post-operative mor- tality. 99 patients were admitted acute due to perforatio ulceris, 81 men and 18 women (4.5:1). 71.7% entered the ward within 12 hours after perforation but 28.3% later, and with a third of them over 24 hours had passed since perforation. In the case of 1 patient 4 days had passed and he survived after sur- gery. Out of the men having perforation 61.7% had ulcus ventriculi, 34.6% ulcus duodeni and 3.7% multiple duodenal ulcers. Out of the women having perforation 72.2% had ulcus ventriculi, but 27.8% ulcus duodeni. Post-operative mortality in the group with per- forations was 2%. 279 patients or 26.9% (28.4% of men and 22.9% of women) had a history of a major bleeding, hematemesis and/or melena once or more often. Emergency operations on account of bleed- ing were performed on 14 patients, 7 men and 7 women (1:1) or on 5.1% of the patients who had developed major bleeding. 3 of these 14 patients died after surgery (21:4%) all of them being women. The average age of the women who were operated acute on account of bleeding was considerably higher than that of the men. In 4.8% of those cases who underwent elec- tive operation the indication for surgery was major bleeding without there being a case of acute operation. 4 patients died of bleeding before it was possible to resort to surgery. During this period 760 eleetive resections were performed on 560 men and 200 women (2.8:1). These were 326 Billroth I Operations and 421 Billroth II. Throughout the period 21 patients died, representing 2.8% mortality. During 1932-1945 post-operative mortality was 15.7%, but during 1946-1955 1.1% and during 1956-1965 the post-operative mortality was 1%. But during this period, i. e. 1946-1965, 666 gastric resections were performed or just over 88% of the total. Follow-up studies are now being conducted after these operations. When these are com- pleted a good comparison will i. a. be obtained of the results of Billroth I, on the one hand, and Billroth II surgery, on the other, as Billroth II is the main type of surgery from 1931 till 1954, but Billroth I thereafter. Since 1965 we have performed more and more of anthrectomies and vagotomies or vagotomies + some drainage operation. It is emphasized that it is not sufficient to select the patients having ulcus ventriculi or ulcus duodeni whom we consider should be operated, but the problem is no less that of selecting the right type of surgery for each individual patient.
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