

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1987, Blaðsíða 16

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1987, Blaðsíða 16
82 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ Fig. 5. Refractive causes for standard reading glasses being unsuitable (>0.75D) for 32.1% of examined persons Frequency in % Interpupillary distance in mm Fig. 6. Distribution of interpupillary distance measurements for near in mm (n = 555) að helmingi tilfella fær viðkomandi gleraugu, sem hann getur ekki notað eða aðeins notað mjög takmarkað, þ.e. til að bregða upp stutta stund, jafnvel þó hann velji í öllum tilvikum það sem honum hentar best, af því sem boðið er, sem þó er óhugsandi. Stöðluð lesgleraugu eru einnig spor afturábak í heilsugæslu og forvarnarstarfi, ef þau verða til þess að alvarlegir augnsjúkdómar finnast síðar en ella. Þakkir: Vísindasjóður hefur styrkt þetta verkefni. SUMMARY One of the authors travelled three times a year during 1982 through 1984 providing ophthalmic services for a rural area in the Eastern Region of Iceland. By the lst of December 1982 the population 43 years of age and older was 925 persons. This age group is likely to require reading glasses. 751 persons, i.e. 81.2%, had eye examination including visual acuity tests. 730 persons were refracted i.e. 71.9% (Fig. 1), and interpupillary distance for near was mesured for 555 persons, i.e. 60% of the population. The results (see Figures) were used to estimate the suitability and usefulness of standard supermarket glasses. In 32.1% of the cases, standard reading glasses were found to be unsuitable because of refraction (Fig. 5) and in 14.2% of the cases glasses with appropriate interpupillary distance were unavailable in the store. Thus almost half of the examined persons would not have found suitable glasses even if they had been correct in their selection in all instances, which is impossible. In Iceland refraction is exclusively performed by ophthalmologists who at the same time provide a comprehensive screening for ocular disease. It was found, that sale of standard reading glasses, without consulting an ophthalmologist, is likely to delay detection of ocular disease and its treatment. This applies particularly to chronic simple glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, retinal holes and neovascular macular disease. The consequences thereof are likely to be, increased hospitalization because of more severe eye disease and increased number of legally blind and partially sighted persons. HEIMILDIR 1. Gögn frá Hagstofu fslands. 2. Björnsson G. Augnhagur Borgfirðinga. Læknaneminn 1978; 31: 5-18. 3. Fledelius HC. Is myopia getting more frequent? Acta Ophthal 1983; 61: 545-59. 4. Kahn HA, Leibowitz HM, Ganley JP, Kini MM, Colton T, Nickerson RS, Dawber TR. The Framingham Eye Study. Am J Epidemiol 1977; 106: 17-32. 5. Jónasson, F. Sjónbætandi aðgerðir með gerviaugasteinum. Læknablaðið 1987; 73: 83-4. 6. Leibowitz HM, Krueger DE, Maunder LR, et al. The Framingham Eye Study Monograph. Surv Ophthalmol 1980; 24: (suppl.) 7. Duke-Elders Practice of Refraction, revised by D. Abrams. 9th ed. Edinburgh, London, New York: Churchill Livingston, 1978; 58. 8. Fledelius HC. Prevalences of Astigmatism and Anisometropia in adult Danes. Acta Ophthalmol Scand 1984; 62: 391-400. 9. Kronfeld PC, Devney C. The Frequency of Astigmatism. Arch Ophthalmol 1930; 4: 873-84. 10. Helveston EM, Ellis FD. Pediatric Ophthalmology Practice. 2nd ed. St. Louis, Toronto: The C.V. Mosby Company, 1984; 77. 11. Anonymus. Editorial: Spectacle Problems. Brit Med J 1980; 281: 1586-7. 12. RJHS. Editorial: Are their spectacles really necessary? Brit J Ophthalmol 1985; 69: 873. 13. Björnsson G, Viggósson G, Ingvarsson JG. Gláka á íslandi. Læknablaðið 1984; 70: 156-9. 14. Björnsson G. Blindness in Iceland. Acta Ophthalmol Scand 1981; 59: 921-7. 15. Schwarz B. Changing Perspectives on Screening for Ocular Disease. Surv Ophthalmol 1983; 28: 141-3.
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