Bókasafnið - 01.10.2008, Síða 45

Bókasafnið - 01.10.2008, Síða 45
BÓKASAFNIÐ 32. ÁRG. 2008 43 mikilvægt að eftirfylgni sé við starfsmenn innan stofnana, svo þeir sjái að stofnunin taki lög og reglur alvarlega. Það er ekki nóg að setja reglur, það þarf einnig að endurskoða þær og fylgja þeim eftir. Heimildaskrá Chen, P. (2006). E-mail archiving: Understanding the reasons, risk and rewards. [Rafræn útgáfa]. Information Systems Security, 15, (3), bls. 18–24. Companies admit to email managements system chaos. (2007). [Rafræn útgáfa]. The British Journal of Administrative Management, bls. 7. Cox, R.J. (2007). Two sides of the coin: Archivists and records managers Consider electronic mail: The records managers speak. [Rafræn útgáfa]. Records & Information Management Report, 23, (5), bls. 1. Esterberg, K.G. (2002). Qualitative methods in social research. Boston: McGraw-Hill. Glenn, P. (2006). Why businesses must consider email archiving. [Rafræn útgáfa]. Library & Information Update, 5 (10) bls. 24-25. Kvale, S. (1996). Interviews: An introduction to qualitative research interviewing. Thousand Oaks. Sage publications. Lög um persónuvernd og meðferð persónuupplýsinga nr. 77/2000. Lög um rafræn viðskipti og aðra rafræna þjónustu nr. 30/2002. Lög um réttindi og skyldur starfsmanna ríkisins nr. 70/1996. Lög um Þjóðskjalasafn Íslands nr. 66/1985. Mehta, N. (2006). E-mail challenges storage environments. [Rafræn útgáfa]. Communications News, 43, (5) bls. 22–24. Páll Hreinsson, (2001). Auglýsing: Um leiðbeiningar varðandi eftirlit vinnuveitenda með tölvupóst­ og netnotkun starfsmanna. Sótt 25. júlí 2007 af http://personuvernd.is/media/frettir/1001.pdf Persónuvernd. (2006). Reglur og reglugerðir: Reglur nr. 837/2006 um rafræna vöktun. Sótt 7. sept. 2007 af http://personuverndvefur. eplica.is/log-og-reglur/reglur-og-reglugerdir/nr/531 Reglugerð um héraðsskjalasöfn nr. 283/1994. Reykjavíkurborg. (e.d.). Starfsmannastefna Reykjavíkurborgar. Sótt 20. maí 2007 af http://www.rvk.is/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-390/496_ read-315/ Strauss, A. og Corbin, J. (1998). Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. (2. útg.). Thousand Oaks: Sage publications. Train. T.K. (2006). E-mail management compliance. [Rafræn útgáfa]. AllM E­DOC, 20, (5), bls.36–38. Upplýsingalög nr. 50/1996. Wikipedia. (e.d.). Orgins of e­mail. Sótt 26. júlí 2007 af http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-mail#Origins_of_e-mail Þjóðskjalasafn Íslands. (2005). Rafræn skjala­ og gagnavarsla ríkisstofnana: Könnun Þjóðskjalasafns á skjalavörslu ríkisstofnana árið 2004. [Reykjavík]: Þjóðskjalasafn Íslands. Abstract E-mail in public institutions – registration and handling according to laws and regulations A qualitative research was made in six public institutions in Iceland, three run by the state and three run by the city of Reykjavík. Participants were the institutions’ record managers. Descriptive data was gathered by in-depth interviews with participants and then the data was analyzed, codified and categorized. Tables with questions were set up and a scale from 1–5 made for easier comparison between institutions. The research’s objective was to gather information on the registration and handling of e-mail in electric databases of public institutions to see if institutions comply with laws and regulations regarding the retention of e-mail. It was looked at how institutions fare in retaining their e-mails and how the retention of the institutions’ and employees’ e-mails is controlled. The main results were that there seems to be no problem with the retention of e-mail that is sent directly to the institutions’ e-mail addresses. On the other hand it can be difficult to control the retention of e-mail, which should be retained, that is sent to the employees’ addresses. The results suggest that employees of four institutions out of six do not register and retain e-mail like the law dictates. The demands of executives regarding e-mail retention are in compliance with the laws but only two institutions out of six meet the main demands. It can be gathered from the results that the four institutions, where employees do not comply with the laws regarding the retention of e-mail, do not have adequately defined employee responsibilities within the institutions, have too little instruction for employees (especially regarding laws and regulations), insufficient support for record management from junior executives and obscure orders for employees. It’s not enough to make laws and regulations, they have to be familiarized demonstrably to employees and compliance has to be ensured. All employees, both junior executives and others, must understand that the institution takes laws and regulations seriously.



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