Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1957, Page 106

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1957, Page 106
36 Búnaðarskýrslur 1954 Tafla VIII A. Búsafurðir árið 1954, eftir sýslum. Allir fram Mjólk milk Sýslur og kaupstaðir districts and towns used on he farm Seld sold 100 kg Lömb lambs Ær eives Sauðir og hrútar tchethers and rams, head Veturgamalt 1 year old, head Tilmanneld- is for human consumption 100 kg Til fóðurg for feeding of animals 100 kg Seld sold, head ■Jf £ <5 £ ca -c X í'g cn .c Scldar sold, head Mylkar milch, head Geldar dry, head Suðvcsturland South- Wcst Gullbringu- og Kjósarsýsla .... 7 620 1 400 52 189 186 573 49 7 16 7 9 Borgarfjarðarsýsla 5 968 1 156 42 146 1 439 7 760 286 26 19 23 79 Mýrasýsla 5 608 535 22 320 415 11 942 152 251 47 23 47 Snæfellsnessýsla 11 058 698 7 857 393 13 852 181 304 67 41 178 Dalasýsla 9 670 381 7 394 16 216 15 1 054 136 43 298 Kaupstaðir towns1) 2 163 308 8 165 7 440 5 23 14 14 10 Samtals total 42 087 4 478 132 684 2 834 50 783 688 1 665 299 151 621 Vestfirðir Western Peninsula Barðastrandarsýsla 9 841 665 2 745 2 824 9 911 64 480 38 25 43 ísafjarðarsýsla 8 272 850 11 499 5 387 8 231 79 430 48 48 85 Strandasýsla 9 143 332 614 222 12 153 201 372 87 38 63 Kaupstaður toivn1) 201 13 735 35 3 2 - - Samtals total 27 457 1 860 15 593 8 468 30 298 344 CO 173 111 191 Norðurland North Húnavatnssýsla 18 589 1 057 18 890 680 42 963 699 784 391 102 270 Skagafjarðarsýsla 18 848 1 345 22 227 908 26 472 675 604 52 38 344 Eyjafjarðarsýsla 12 482 2 307 78 249 248 15 320 125 267 74 44 102 Þingeyjarsýsla 25 846 1 630 29 279 689 43 952 407 1 260 840 147 372 Kaupstaðir toivns1) 4 680 341 13 091 51 3 963 30 97 19 15 1 Samtals total 80 445 6 680 161 736 2 576 132 670 1 936 3 012 1 376 346 1 089 Austurland East Norður-Múlasýsla 16 345 581 624 391 25 514 169 ] 127 263 16 104 Suður-Múlasýsla 17 989 1 359 4 053 195 18 815 82 1 061 211 56 169 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 7 591 200 648 654 7 096 152 226 3 24 15 Kaupstaðir towns1) 856 - 614 14 594 “ 7 2 2 5 Samtals total 42 781 2 140 5 939 1 254 52 019 403 2 421 479 98 293 Suðurland South Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 9 498 834 10 991 1 948 9 442 99 306 1 68 20 Rangárvallasýsla 10 961 3 697 88 810 135 2 122 144 18 1 29 148 Árnessýsla 13 850 1 434 139 887 498 7 396 479 183 18 39 200 Kaupstaður town1) 406 28 5 136 - - - “ 1 Samtals total 34 715 5 993 244 824 2 581 18 960 722 507 20 137 368 Allt landið Iceland 227 485 21 151 560 776 17 713 284 730 4 093 8 889 2 347 843 2 562 Þar af í Sýslur districts 119 179 20 461 533 035 17 606 279 730 4 058 8 760 2 312 811 2 546 of this \ Kaupstaðir towns 8 306 690 27 741 107 5 000 35 129 35 32 16 Suuðfc farguð sheep slaughtered and sold Utan heimilis outside the farm 1) Sjá ncðunmálsgrcinar við töflu I see notea to Tablc I. 2) Þar mcð 95 geitur. 3) Þar með 7 gcitur. 4) Þar með 4 geitur. Búnaðarskýrslur 1954 37 leiðendur. Livestock products 1954, by districts. All producers. ■S O 8 5 J? Nautgripir fargað cattle slaughtered and sold Hross fargað horscs slaughtered and sold Srín og grísir fargað pigs slaughtered, head k B 1 3 C I 6t B W Alifuglar fargað poultry slaughtered, head VanhÖld loss of Hcima on the farm 1 u '>* ? W-3 -o C •c ’S - O 2 ’3 h O-o Kúlfar calves. head 4 vetra og eldri 3 years old and over, head 1—3 vetra 1—2 years old, head Folöld colts and fillies under 1 year, head & 6 •g •> a £ cn .c Nautgripir cattlc, head 8 8 ■c 2 ö «1 Lðmb lambs, head .*2 C ■o S - o o = fcc“3 3== 2 982 176 7 429 349 109 1 827 65 22 4 283 2 491 270 3 679 90 26 7 689 267 25 846 231 117 1 315 191 36 211 - 117 306 - 243 34 16 1 096 360 35 782 124 123 758 138 31 196 ~ 45 660 10 594 14 12 1 453 442 41 643 99 152 423 96 16 90 - 72 930 - 768 18 20 646 378 35 260 74 98 190 88 7 115 - 25 635 - 466 7 9 404 3 3 176 30 7 297 10 - - 617 1 785 000 4 300 3 - 5 270 1 626 149 136 907 606 4 810 588 112 616 900 4 537 801 7 989 2 164 99 64 1 206 977 27 389 61 60 238 45 1 _ 134 298 150 666 7 2 2 974 1 468 29 395 105 70 493 35 3 - 3 180 975 33 765 3 2 1 197 523 23 960 61 75 208 45 4 13 - 95 971 16 468 5 1 466 22 664 2 2 20 - 18 700 - 5 “ 5 843 2 990 81 408 229 207 959 125 7 14 3 429 944 199 1 904 15 5 812 1 206 89 398 176 222 938 453 116 1 651 34 105 130 27 1 537 42 96 900 700 64 608 222 191 1 162 348 60 1 117 - 104 817 100 1 049 26 55 3 406 937 39 335 332 134 2 453 96 18 19 19 628 659 336 621 30 11 1 209 s) 3 981 75 759 220 172 1 273 82 3 _ - 235 518 54 2 074 38 6 3 200 453 11 338 62 17 447 23 15 52 357 199 100 110 104 10 6 9 527 7 277 280 438 1 012 736 6 273 1 002 212 2 839 410 1 273 224 627 5 385 146 174 611 3) 2 648 69 094 100 217 307 77 2 14 178 696 21 5 122 14 3 1 694 ‘) 1 933 47 303 125 210 518 46 3 8 31 306 998 16 2 945 16 6 683 1 187 20 367 45 84 157 49 1 - - 36 730 3 403 6 3 1 038 224 2 341 16 1 46 1 82 000 230 40 4 - 4 026 5 992 139 105 286 512 1 028 173 6 8 45 604 424 270 8 510 40 12 619 1 814 34 276 75 143 500 50 5 14 _ 61 730 _ 550 9 5 1 572 470 22 110 460 301 2 808 454 125 918 - 217 930 125 287 55 38 2 601 812 43 976 644 178 4 195 329 46 15 230 751 830 25 877 125 38 59 19 79 11 1 78 1 - - - 138 700 6 9 - 4 851 3 115 100 441 1 190 623 7 581 834 176 947 230 1 170 190 156 1 723 189 81 29 517 21 000 750 528 3 624 2 684 20 651 2 722 513 4 424 1 588 8 015 583 9 241 19 686 489 336 24 350 20 279 732 930 3 503 2 656 19 763 2 687 498 4 372 614 5 792 083 4 595 19 525 475 330 5 167 721 17 598 121 28 888 35 15 52 974 2 223 500 4 646 161 14 6 6
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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