Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1957, Qupperneq 131

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1957, Qupperneq 131
60 Búnaðarskýrslur 1954 Tafla XV. Jarðabætur árið 1952, skv. II. kafla jarðræktar- Improvements of estates 1952, I. Áburðargeymslur II. Jarðrækt sheds and pits for animal manure cultivation of homc-fields Sýsíur og kaupstaðir cð bO -5 .8 ?í a _ c C = s H fe Ss £3 i I' 13 bC _ ® -5 ía 2 dislricts and towns 'O o V3 £ 2 1 Haugstæði dunghill bases «> u § 13 C3 w *0 « h. l's § i •“ fc •31 3 e Alsteyptar entirely of Áhurðarhú cða með ji sheds entin concrete 01 crete with •3 S5 1 Túnasléttu old fields i “g.8 í l 1 5* g ts ö -S C 53 o tc J* £ | É I Suðvesturland South- West m* m* m* 100 m* 100 m* 100 m* m* 10 181 640 193 656 410 14 400 12 933 1 300 3 332 226 213 1 473 765 Borgarfjarðarsýsla 9 172 _ Mýrasýsla 8 145 84 231 - 9 887 1 874 45 465 Snœfellsnessýsla 12 181 197 670 - 4 772 2 765 151 547 Dalasýsla 9 120 61 98 - 4 559 2 356 41 562 Kaupstaðir toivru1) 3 55 - - 2 731 79 468 975 Samtals total 51 854 1 175 2 065 - 49 282 11 706 1 144 4 787 Vestfirðir Wcstern Peninsula Ðarðastrandarsýsla 10 129 85 481 - 2 189 2 421 246 1 524 ísafjarðarsýsla 14 233 27 630 10 4 397 4 049 176 5 822 Strandasýsla 8 155 10 375 53 1 856 1 763 67 385 Samtals total 32 517 122 1 486 63 8 442 8 233 489 7 731 Norðurland North Húnavatnssýsla 17 315 153 616 - 15 869 3 526 59 1 290 Skagafjarðarsýsla 15 282 169 265 - 2) 17 675 5 302 145 3 670 Eyjafjarðarsýsla 10 319 175 565 200 18 666 3 632 91 1 395 Þingeyjarsýsla 21 409 290 771 - 22 955 4 420 56 1 096 Kaupstaðir toivns1) 5 57 30 173 2 875 512 403 535 Samtals total 68 1 382 817 2 390 200 78 040 17 392 754 7 986 Austurland East Norður-Múlasýsla 10 231 62 641 - 7 512 2 166 214 172 Suður-Múiasýsla 15 219 71 760 - 9 379 1 425 277 580 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 6 114 59 - - 2)6 060 593 1 349 219 Kaupstaður town1) 1 8 - - 54 - 35 Samtals total 32 572 192 1 401 - 23 005 4 184 1 840 1 006 Suðurland South Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 7 150 133 79 - 8 374 1 094 375 230 Rangárvallasýsla 11 341 476 679 79 2) 44 613 4 423 2 969 431 Árnessýsla 16 504 1 030 1 017 - 2)55 138 13 915 2 973 1 728 Kaupstaður town1) 1 7 - - - 502 78 75 150 Samtals tolal 35 1 002 1 639 1 775 79 108 627 19 510 6 392 2 539 Allt landið Iccland 218 4 327 3 945 9 117 342 267 396 61 025 10 619 24 049 - r /• .1 • í Sýslur districts .... Þar af of this{ -J *. ( Kaupstaðir towns .. 208 4 200 3 915 8 944 _ 261 234 60 356 9 673 22 354 10 127 30 173 - 6 162 669 946 1 695 1) Sjá neðanmálsgreinar við töflu I see notes to Table I. 2) Þar af Landnám rikisins: í Skag. 17 ha, i A.-Skaft. 17 ha, 4) Auk þess Landnám ríkisins (í þús. kr.): í Skag. 215, í A.-Skaft. 151, í Rang. 131, í Arn. 485. Búnaðarskýrslur 1954 61 laganna, aðrar en skurðgröfuskurðir. Yíirlit eftir sýslum. excluding ditches dug hy excavators. IV. Framræsla drainage tún og garða me-fields and VI. Heyhlöður barns and silos VII. Kartöflu- geymslur pota- toes store sheds Ríkisframlag (að meðtalinni verðlagsuppbót) government grants £ ö !f Lokræsi liandgrafin closed drains íteyptar rns of i roof = J U cð p. 6 41- 93 o - ó . S O . C3 Þar frá 5% til búnaðar- félaganna less 5% accruing to betterment societies •3 3 8 1» Handgrafnir skui open drains (not excavators ) Hnausaræsi of clods of earth ! H 1 k = -c O o V. Girðiugar um fences around ho vegetable gardens o o u -c u íu •5.fs sr-5 M « u u u «o w 3 « C A E 8 U O .o | aS 2 í « t s c » •S «6 u ‘5 O A-S'o' Vothúshlöður stc silos of concrete Steinsteyptar of concrete tír öðru efni of other materiali 3 a S ‘3 "2 u 1 i-f 1 “§ jpj E HáS Til ræktunar, fra grjótn.,girðinga t vementa under col Til hlöðubygging to improvement under col. VI Alls total Framlag til jarð manna grants pa to performers 10 m* 10 m 10 m 10 m m* m* m* m* m* 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 31 37 29 643 3 162 355 1 884 222 - 40 212 67 319 16 303 740 72 47 1 565 941 95 1 128 146 - 17 277 36 330 16 314 78 14 48 946 2 068 - 742 54 - 9 174 28 211 11 200 27 36 77 1 948 2 354 403 594 - - 23 172 26 221 11 210 25 - 14 2 168 1 228 304 420 12 s 152 17 174 9 165 42 16 25 28 - - - 319 - 43 8 51 2 49 943 175 240 7 298 9 753 1 157 4 768 741 12 94 1 030 182 1 306 65 1 241 310 50 181 1 454 1 999 607 498 14 145 23 182 9 173 400 27 455 2 356 790 1 156 838 - - 15 278 28 321 16 305 296 19 67 1 394 335 926 500 - 9 103 17 129 6 123 1 006 96 703 5 204 3 124 2 689 1 836 - - 38 526 68 632 31 601 554 18 110 3 527 3 703 870 894 20 351 41 412 21 391 601 33 51 2)4 486 5 466 815 898 - - 12 4) 401 50 463 23 440 190 77 38 1 027 3 654 485 1 875 382 - 22 316 73 411 21 390 175 55 53 4 620 7 423 485 2 240 166 - 29 474 93 596 30 566 172 15 54 387 659 100 314 77 - 5 64 13 82 4 78 1 692 198 306 14 047 20 905 2 755 6 221 625 - 88 1 606 270 1 964 99 1 865 235 86 47 2 380 2 259 352 1 157 13 17 207 40 264 13 251 122 123 181 1 175 2 537 219 945 - - 20 186 35 241 12 229 125 17 - 3)2 290 1 042 300 526 - - 2 4)111 18 131 7 124 3 2 - 85 - - - - - 2 - 2 0 2 485 228 228 5 930 5 838 871 2 628 13 - 39 506 93 638 32 606 138 16 6 2 357 1 053 487 355 124 7 163 18 188 9 179 116 3 6 3) 5 178 5 983 875 2 333 1 844 465 35 4) 649 138 822 41 781 117 28 107 3)3 735 10 026 3 438 4 248 1 856 587 64 4) 919 214 1 197 60 1 137 - - - - “ - 18 - - - 7 1 8 0 8 371 47 119 11 270 17 062 4 800 6 954 3 824 1 052 106 1 738 371 2 215 110 2 105 4 497 744 1 596 43 749 56 682 12 272 22 407 5 203 1 064 365 5 406 984 6 755 337 6 418 4 280 711 1 517 43 249 56 023 12 172 22 075 4 807 1 064 360 5 290 962 6 612 331 6 281 217 33 79 500 659 100 332 396 - 5 116 22 143 6 137 ÍRnng. 15 ha, ( Arn. 82 hn. 3) Þar nf I.nnHn/im rntisins (í tirhnmetrum): í Stng. 1 628, í A.-Skaf'. 818, í Rnng. 821, í Am. 910. 9
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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