Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1957, Page 147

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1957, Page 147
76 Búnaðarskýrslur 1954 Tafla XXIV A. Eignir og skuldir framleiðenda landbúnaðar Assets and debts of agricultural producer. Sýslur og kaupstadir districts and towns Suðvesturland South-West Gullbringu- og Kjósarsýsla........................... Borgarfjarðarsýsla .................................. Mýrasýsla ........................................... Snœfellsnessýsla..................................... Dalasýsla ........................................... Kaupstaðir toivns1).................................. Vestfirðir Western Peninsula Barðastrandarsýsla ................................... ísafjarðarsýsla....................................... Strandasýsla.......................................... Kaupstaður town1) .................................... Norðurland North Húnavatnssýsla.................................. Skagafjarðarsýsla .............................. Eyjafjarðarsýsla ............................... Þingeyjarsýsla ................................. Kaupstaðir toivns1) ............................ Austurland East Norður-Múlasýsla ............................... Suður-Múlasýsla ................................ Austur-Skaftafellssýsla......................... Kaupstaðir toivns1) ............................ Suðurland South Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla ........................ Rangárvallasýsla................................ Árnessýsla ..................................... Kaupstaður town1) .............................. Þar af of this: I Sýslur districts .. \ Kaupstaðir toivns Samtals total Samtals total Samtals total Samtals total Samtals total Allt landið Iceland Bústofn livestock Fasteignir real estate 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 13 805 5 392 20 143 3 401 25 208 2 937 19 284 2 127 16 576 1 874 4 104 796 99 120 16 527 12 644 1 700 16 379 2 395 11 105 1 669 436 - 40 564 5 764 45 461 4 969 34 010 5 039 27 631 5 057 43 563 6 319 8 476 620 159 141 22 004 24 260 3 896 19 020 2 885 7 390 1 456 1 022 51 692 8 237 13 573 2 435 35 600 4 937 46 807 8 514 800 504 96 780 16 390 447 297 68 922 432 459 67 002 14 838 l 920 1) Sjó neðanmálBgreinar við töflu I see nole* Table J. Búnaðarskýrslur 1954 77 afurða í árslok 1954, eftir sýslum. Allir framleiðendur. at the end of 1954. All producers. Eignir assets Skuldir debts Landbúnaðarvélar og áhöld agricultural machin- ery and tools Bifreiðir motor-cars tJlfi •bjKr S's •a ■» 1 9 -Q ’3 c sllll CU > a o Aðrar eignir other assets Eignir alis total assets Skuldir við Byggingarsjóð og Rœktunarsjóð debts to agriculture investment funds Aðrar veðskuldir other mortgages Aliar aðrar skuldir all other debts Skuldir alls total debts 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 2 181 1 906 4 454 1 610 29 348 3 471 1 522 5 647 10 640 1 961 1 154 4 625 622 31 906 5 008 1 097 4 981 11 086 1 874 926 2 733 774 34 452 3 756 984 4 074 8 814 1 448 586 912 820 25 177 3 759 911 2 718 7 388 1 578 1 057 1 623 459 23 167 4 213 927 2 382 7 522 111 73 233 176 5 493 32 555 341 928 9 153 5 702 14 580 4 461 149 543 20 239 5 996 20 143 46 378 1 581 761 1 976 1 434 20 096 1 841 569 2 119 4 529 1 693 900 1 357 772 23 496 3 423 820 2 796 7 039 982 630 1 797 605 16 788 2 208 667 2 167 5 042 22 10 1 17 486 - - 76 76 4 278 2 301 5 131 2 828 60 866 7 472 2 056 7 158 16 686 3 612 1 955 6 921 1 491 64 409 10 484 1 146 6 506 18 136 2 578 2 140 7 186 989 51 942 11 530 552 7 025 19 107 4 052 1 351 5 676 1 446 45 213 8 918 1 399 9 391 19 708 5 914 4 254 7 248 1 936 69 234 12 897 1 716 8 832 23 445 528 171 531 267 10 593 809 239 728 1 776 16 684 9 871 27 562 6 129 241 391 44 638 5 052 32 482 82 172 2 237 1 019 5 081 1 313 37 806 7 214 3 732 7 534 18 480 1 923 1 222 2 376 940 28 366 5 999 2 401 4 835 13 235 1 262 642 2 174 201 13 125 2 236 185 1 426 3 847 - - _ 1 022 - - 5 422 2 883 9 631 2 454 80 319 15 449 6 318 13 795 35 562 1 862 573 2 185 930 21 558 3 658 602 2 807 7 067 4 818 2 083 5 690 1 449 54 577 12 131 2 506 8 566 23 203 5 684 2 565 6 355 2 798 72 723 14 817 1 060 11 856 27 733 130 11 32 7 1 484 — 3 235 238 12 494 5 232 14 262 5 184 150 342 30 606 4 171 23 464 58 241 48 031 25 989 71 166 21 056 682 461 118 404 23 593 97 042 239 039 47 240 25 724 70 369 20 589 663 383 117 563 22 796 95 662 236 021 791 265 797 467 19 078 841 797 1 380 3 018 11 i
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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