Hagskýrslur um iðnað - 01.01.1953, Blaðsíða 118
English Translation of Headings in Tables.
(For Englisli translation of iinlustrial groups (ISIC) : See p. 9* in Introduction. —
Reference numbers in the following text refcr to explanatory notes on p. 87.)
Summary Tables
1. Rate of reporting1) 1950, by major groups.
1. ISIC code, major groups.
2. Names of major groups.
3. Number of insured working weeks of
wage-earners in the major groups con-
4. Number of establishments2) mainly occu-
pied in major groups concerned.
5. Number of insured working weeks of
wage-earners in establishments in col. 4.
6. Rate of reporting.
2. Insured working weeks 1947—1950,
by major groups.
1. ISIC code, major groups.
2. Names of major groups.
3-6. Insured working weeks. Years.
7. Relative increase 1947—1950.
3. Number of establishments 1950,
by major groups and size.
1. ISIC code, major groups.
2. Names of major groups.
3- 7. Number of establishments.
3. With less than 250 insured working weeks.
4. With 250—1000 insured working weeks.
5. With 1000—2000 insured working weeks.
6. With 2000 insured working weeks and
7. Total.
4. Average number of wage-earners 1950,
by major groups and months.
1. ISIC code, major groups.
2. Names of major groups.
3. Rate of reporting.
4-16. Number of wage-earners.
4-15. Months.
16. Monthly average of the year.
17. ISIC code, major groups.
5. Man-hours worked 1950, by major groups.
1. ISIC code, major groups.
2. Names of major groups.
3. Rate of reporting.
4- 6. Hours worked by wage-eamers. 1000.
4. Males.
in Introduction.
5. Females.
6. Total.
7. Average number of wage-earners.
8. Hours worked per wage-eamer.
6. Wages paid to wage-earners 1950,
by major groups.
1. ISIC code, major groups.
2. Names of major groups.
3. Rate of reporting.
4-6. Males.
4. Wages. 1000 kr.
5. Hours worked. 1000.
6. Earnings per hour.
7-9. Females.
7. Wages. 1000 kr.
8. Hours worked. 1000.
9. Earnings per hour.
10-12. Total.
10. Wages. 1000 kr.
11. Hours worked. 1000.
12. Earaings per hour.
13. ISIC code, major groups.
7. Composition of the value of output 1950,
by major groups.
1. ISIC code, major groups.
2. Names of major groups.
3. Rate of reporting.
4. Value3) of output (including repair work
work). 1000 kr.
5. Cost4) of raw materials used. 1000 kr.
6. Cost4) of fuel and energy. 1000 kr.
7-9. Value added. 1000 kr.
7. Wages and salaries. 1000 kr.
8. Depreciation, interest, taxes and levies,
sundry expenses, profit or loss. 1000 kr.
9. Total. 1000 kr.
10. ISIC code, major groups.
8. Cost of domestic and imported raw materials
used 1950, by major groups.
1. ISIC code, major groups.
2. Names of major groups.
3. Rate of reporting.
4-5. Domestic raw materials6) used.
4. Value. 1000 kr.