Jökull - 01.12.1952, Blaðsíða 14
Fig. 2. Map showing the extent of Hagavatn and the margin of the adjacent glaciers in 1950
according to measurements by the Durham Exploration Society Expedition. Height in m. The
dot- and dash-line marks the glacier margins in 1934 according to Wright’s map, the dotted
line marks approximately the outermost recent moraines. The outlets of Hagavatn at various
times are marked by numbered arrows. The soil profile shown on fig. 1 is marked by an encircled
cross. The encircled Roman numerals mark places where the lake sediments were especially studied
by R. Green. I. Normal varve succession. II. Gully with tephra (volc. sand) between varves thinning
out to the North. III. Varves 2-4 mm thick. Unconformity present. IV. Recent varves, solifluction
layer. V. Contorted varv'es. VI. Varve sections along the shore with tephra (ash) layers thrust up
from lake bed. — The lines A, B, C on the lake are profiles of depth soundings with attached figures
of maximum depths.
Kort er sýnir stœrö Hagavatns og framjaðra Hagafellsjöklanna 1950 samkvcemt mœlingum Dur-
hamleiðangursmanna. Punkta-strika línan sýnir jaðra jöklanna samkvcemt korti Wrights frá 1934.
Grófa punktalinan sýnir legu yztu jökulgarða frá siðustu öldum. Jökullinn lá ncerri þessum görð-
um fram yfir 1920. Lega Hagavatnssniðsins á 1. mynd er sýnd með krossi. Rómverskar tölur sýna
staði þar sem botnset Hagavatns var sérstaklega athugað. Öskulögin frá 1693, 1721 og 1766 var
að finna við II, öskulögin VHa og Vllb við VI. Linumar A, B og C á vatninu sýna þversnið,
þar sem dýpi var mcelt, og mesta dýpi i hverju sniði.
sion eastwards, the beds of sand between the
clay layers became narrower, and the clays more
complete. Many of the lower clay bands were
incomplete, being partly washed away. In
several cases the clays appeared to be cracked,
as if dried in the open air. This suggests that
the lake bed was for a while only periodically
filled by water, probably as the ice was begin-