
Jökull - 01.12.1974, Page 14

Jökull - 01.12.1974, Page 14
Fig. 10. An ERTS-1 image from 31 January 1973 of the Vatnajökull area (Thorarinsson et al., 1973). Key: 6: Grímsvötn, 3: Bárdarbunga, 2: Kverk- fjöll, 8: Skeidarárjökull. Notice several cauldrons on a line leading from the east side of Gríms- vötn down to Skeidarár- jökull. These cauldrons were presumably formecl by the collapse of a sub- glacial tunnel after the jökulhlaup in March ’72. They were first observed from Grímsfjall under a low sun angle immediate- ly after the jökulhlaup in 1972 (Björnsson and Hall- grimsson, 1973). The image suggests that the Grímsvötn depression consists of two calderas (Thorarinsson et al., ’73). Mynd 10. Mynd tekin úr gervitungli 31. jan. 1973, sem sýnir sigkatla, sem líklega mynduðust við jökulhlaupið i mars 1972. the gravity survey (Sigurdsson, 1970). The sug- gested thickness of the ice cover corresponds rather well to that of a floating ice shelf in a theoretical model presented by Weertman (1957). The topographical model presented is not detailed in many respects ancl must be subject to future revision, but it proves to be accurate enough for the present purposes. It demon- strates that the glacier is well above the Gríms- vötn level north of the lake and well below the Grímsvötn level south of the lake. Also, the topography of the glacier bottom is well known just southeast of the lake. from the geothermal area required to melt the ice will be estimated. Tlie extent of the water basin The Grímsvötn water basin is defined as the area feeding ice and water into the subglacial lake. The area contributing ice flow to the lake is entirely determined by the glacier surface topography and turns out to be about 300 km2. The subglacial drainage of water presumably takes place both in a thin water sheet and through some subglacial tunnels. The drainage basin of a subglacial water sheet can be deter- mined for the topographical model. As discuss- ecl by Weertman (1972), the pressure gradient WATER AND ENERGY BALANCE The flow of subglacial water and ice into the Grímsvötn will now be described and the energy (1) VPw = piS V hs + (Pw - Pi) g V hb drives a subglacial water sheet with velocity v given by the viscosity equation 1 2 JÖKULL 24. ÁR



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