
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1974, Qupperneq 15

Jökull - 01.12.1974, Qupperneq 15
(2) d2 V = Ufy" (~ APw) in which pj and pw are the density of ice and water, respectively, hs and hb are the elevation of the glacier surface and the glacier bottom, respectively, g is the acceleration of gravity, d is the thickness of the water sheet, and tj is the dynamic viscosity of water [r\ = 1.8- 10—2 poise). A map showing the negative pressure gradient — Vpw (or the velocity vector if one assumes a constant sheet thickness d) in the topographical model is shown in Fig. 11. The map is derived from the glacier surface and bottom maps in Figs. 6 and 7. The map of nega- tive pressure gradients defines a subglacial drainage basin for sheet flow. The estimated area of this subglacial drainage basin is 295 km2. The effect of the bottom topography on the direction of subglacial water sheet flow is almost negligible, except for a slight effect in a narrow area along the watershed north-west and east of Grímsvötn which causes water to flow outward. Water flow in subglacial tunnels might cross this watershed but in the present study it is assumed that the subglacial drainage basin is equal to the ice flow basin, which lias an estimated area A = 300 km2. A model for the water and energy balance The terms in a water and energy balance model for Grímsvötn, illustrated in Fig. 12, will now be described. Consider a long-term model of a closed water basin (A); there is no net base runoff (groundwater) and the time scale con- sidered is much larger than the concentration tirne for the water drainage basin. In this rnodel, the volurne of a jökulhlaup (V) can be estimated by integrating the input rate of melt- water to the lake (q) over the period At be- tween the jökulhlaups, (3) V = jqdt = j J(as + ab) dSdt + j f At At A At A„ in which as is the glacier surface ablation rate, ab is the subglacial ablation rate due to a norrnal geothermal gradient (ab = 1 cm/yr), and ag is the subglacial ablation rate in the geo- thermal area Ag. The second integral on the right hand side gives the meltwater volume which has been melted by the geothermal area. The energy flux of this geothermal area is there- fore given by (4) -^=JagdS Ag in which L is the latent heat of melting per unit volume of ice (L = 300 MJ m~3). The total water flux to the Grímsvötn lake is given as (5) qw = f (+ + ab) dS + J (as + ab + ag) dS A — Ag Ag — Ax in which Aj is the lake area. The first integral gives the water flux from outside the geotherm- al area and the second integral gives the water flux from that part of the geothermal area which is situated outside the lake. Assuming that the glacier is in a steady state, the ice flux can be included in the mass bal- ance model. Consider the mass balance of the geothermal area. The influx from the area out- side the geothermal area added to the net bal- ance inside the geothermal area must equal the ice meltecl by the geothermal area. Hence, (6) J (b— ab) dS + j (b— aB) dS = jagdS, A — A„ A_ A„ b = c — a„ in which b is the net balance rate and c is the rate of accumulation of ice on the glacier sur- face. Since the glacier is assumed to be in a steady state there is a balance between the rate of accumulation of ice over the entire drainage basin and the flow of water into the lake (?) agdSdt This model will now be tested on the Gríms- vötn basin. Mass balance data for the water basin. Main results of the water balance model No detailed mass balance measurements have JÖKULL 24. ÁR 1 3
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