
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1974, Qupperneq 32

Jökull - 01.12.1974, Qupperneq 32
1. In summer 1971, before the jökulhlaup: sampling of bottom material and observa- tions on riverbed morphology and eleva- tion. 2. During the jökulhlaup: Sampling of sus- pended sediment, glacier ice floating with water, bedload sampling and sediment sampling in the sea. 3. After the jökulhlaup: Extensive sampling of bottom material and observations on riverbed morphology and elevation. Suspended sediment samples were taken at several localiues along Skeidará, but mainly at one locality at Gígja. Direct correlation between sediment concentration and discharge is not apparent; on the other hand regular changes from one locality to another — and in time — are observed. The grain size classes used in this paper are as shown in Table 1. sorting at each locality in the manner that con- centration clecreases along the banks but in- creases in the center channels. All this is shown on Fig. 4. As shown in Fig. 5 the ratio coarse silt/fine silt varies with time, i. e. the ratio increases as the jökulhlaup proceeds reaching maximum at the maximum flow and again at the later max- imum in concentration and even later. The peak at maximum flow is the highest one. The reason for these variations in the silt concentration is connected with the origin of the sediment load, which is from the melted ice of the subglacial tunnel at the bottom of the gla- cier. This melting increases until maximum flow is reached and the normal peak in sedi- ment load should be reached simultaneously. The second peak in sediment load is due to some other reason. From petrographical analysis it is obvious that the material in the peak is TABLE 1 English term Icelandic term Grain size, mm Transport mode clay leir <0.002 wash load fine silt méla 0.002-0.02 wash load coarse silt mór 0.02-0.2 suspended load sand sandur 0.2-2 suspended and bed load gravel möl >2 suspended and bed load The amount of sediment of different grain sizes is calculated separately. The quantity of clay is usually only about 2% of the total suspended load. Its variation in time and place is more or less random. The quantity of about 500,000 tons has been cal- culated from its average concentration. Fine silt constitutes a major proportion of the total load. Its concentration follows a fairly regular pattern of even spatial distribution, but varying with time. This variation is shown on Fig. 3. The concentration reaches maximum at peak flow or just before it with another very high and sharp peak on March 26th. The total amount of fine silt is calculated as 5,000,000 tons. The coarse silt shows the same variation with time as the fine silt but also shows substantial variation from one sampling place to another. The general trend seems to be a decrease in concentration away from the glacier and some 30 JÖKULL 24. ÁR volcanic glass from Grímsvötn. Simultaneously the concentration of dissolved solids reached a peak, which can be explained as a result of a small subglacial eruption producing big quanti- ties of sancl and silt carried away with the water. Tliis eruption woulcl have lasted less than a day. A similar eruption has occurred before as a small eruption probably took place in 1945 barely reaching the surface (Askelsson, 1959). The decrease in concentration of coarse silt away from the glacier is partly due to its sedi- mentation in the channel. Coarse silt must therefore be calculated separately for different places. At the outlet from the glacier this load amounted to about 14,000,000 tons. The suspended sediment samples froni Skeid- ará contained only a small fraction of sand, but those from Gígja had a much higher concentra- tion. Yet we know that a lot of sand has been carried in the jökulhlaup by both the rivers. The difference between the rivers is due to the
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