
Jökull - 01.12.1974, Page 33

Jökull - 01.12.1974, Page 33
Fig. 3. Suspended sediment concentration of fine silt at the glacier outlets, in the rivers Skeidará, Gígja and Súla. Mynd 3. Aurburður af mélu í Skeiðará, Gígju og Súlu. Magn í Utra við jökulinn. grain size of bottom material, which is mostly sand in Gígja, but coarse gravel in Skeidará. This problem was approached by sampling floating small chips of glacier ice from the jökulhlaup and measuring the sand content along with other components in it. As a first stage the floating glacier ice is assumed to re- present the melted and eroded ice in the ice tunnel which is the source of the sediment load. The quantity of sand calculated on basis of glacier ice content was 8,000,000 tons. The ratio fine silt/coarse silt was of the same order of magnitude in glacier ice as suspended in the river. The content in glacier ice was also used to calculate the amount of gravel carried by the jökulhlaup. The result is 2,000,000 tons of gravel. The total sediment load calculated in this manner is 29,500,000 tons, whereof most of the sand and all of the gravel is bedload. JÖKULL 24. ÁR 3 1



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