
Jökull - 01.12.1974, Síða 37

Jökull - 01.12.1974, Síða 37
Kornastœrð /Grainsize 0.02 -0.05mm Skeiðaró Gígjukvísl Súla Ósar og sjór / Mouth and the sea Aur í grunnstingli / From anchor Aur í jökulís /From glacier ice Volcanic glass Crystals Rock fragmem ice Fig. 8. Petrographical composition o£ the coarse silt material from Skeid- ará shows a regular change with time as the glass content increases with time, and on March 26th the material was al- most 90% glass of the same refractive index as Grímsvötn volcanic ash. The numbers at the points indicate dates of samling in March 1972. Mynd 8. Bergfrœðileg samsetning mósins í Skeiðará sýnir reglulega breytingu, þannig að gler- innihald vex eftir því sem á hlauþið liður, og 26. mars er hér um bil 90% efnisins gler með Ijósbrot ösku úr Grímsvötnum. Tölurnar við punktana tákna dagsetningu í mars 1972. tion of all grain size fractions except clay. The addition of this material to the coast would rnake a thickening of about 4 cm over the coastal area down to the 50 m depth, which corresponds to 2 m seaward extension of the coast. JÖKULHLAUP MECHANISM - DISCUSSION IN LITERATURE The earliest theory on the mechanism of jiikulhlaup is the buoyancy theory first put forth by Norwegian scientists (cf. Liestöl, 1956). This theory states that when the water level of an ice-dammed lake reaches 9/10 of the height of the ice barrier the ice starts floating and a jiikulhlaup is triggered. An alternative theory was proposed by Glen (1954). He maintains that water-filled holes in the glaciers tend to enlarge below a certain depth as the horizontal stress becomes larger than the vertical because of the density differ- ence of ice and water. At a depth of 150—200 m this difference becomes large enough for a water-filled hole to enlarge. In this manner a deep lake (150—200 m) will have a tendency to create and gradually enlarge lioles at the bottom of the ice wall which will lead to a tapping of the lake. However this theory can not explain the tapping of shallow lakes. Liestöl (1956) proposed an explanation of the tapping mechanism of ice-dammed lakes. He states that once a flow of water is started the passage will be widened by the melting of the ice due to the heat capacity of the water and kinetic energy transformed into heat as the water discharges from the ice-dammed lake to the glacier snout. Liestöl’s theory explains very well the usual jökulhlaup hydrograph; with the exponential increase in flow until most of the water has escaped and then a rapid de- crease. The melting of the ice tunnel is the JÖKULL 24. ÁR 35
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