
Jökull - 01.12.1974, Side 42

Jökull - 01.12.1974, Side 42
K/Ar Ages of Rocks from HúsafelL Western Iceland, and the Development of the Húsafell Central Volcano KRISTJÁN SÆMUNDSSON, NATIONAL ENERGY AUTHORITY, REYKJAVIK, ICELAND HORST NOLL, GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE, W-GERMANY ABSTRACT The paper describes the uppermost 1000 m of a south-easterly tilted lava pile wliich borders the Reykjanes—Langjökull volcanic tone on the west in the area of Húsafell. Paleomagnetic stratigraphy and KfAr age determinations allow a correlation with tlie geopolarity time scale. The section described begins with the Mammoth event of the Gauss epoch and is continuous up to the earliest part of the Matuyana epoch. It includes a central volcano which began its activ- ity during the Kaena event 2.9 m. years ago and ended early in the Matuyama epoch. Acid vol- canism occurred in three distinct phases, which are separated by intervals of basaltic volcan- ism. The first acid phase is represented by dacite flows ancl an ignimbrite which are ex- posed in a section running marginally to the wsst of the volcanic centre. Tlie seconcl acid phase, which was active during the last stage of the Gauss epoch, includes besides a large number of rhyolite floivs also an ignimbrite sheet which may have measured more than 20 kms by volume. A large number of minor basaltic intrusions accompanies this phase, among them southeastwardly dipping sheets. A small segment of a possible caldera fracture indicates that a caldera may have collapsed consequently upon the ignimbrite eruption of this pliase. The third acid phase developed after lava shields had almost completely screen- ed the slopes of the volcano. This phase pro- duced both acid and intermediate lavas, and a minor ignimbrite. It is also characterized by numerous acid and composite dykes and plugs. The core area of this phase overlaps with that 40 JÖKULL 24. ÁR of the second acid phase but may have been shifted well to the west of it. The first recorcl of a glacial horizon is found near the base of the Mammoth event of the Gauss epoch 3.1 m. years ago. From tliere up- wards altogether 8 glacial horizons occur un- til the end of the third acid phase. This gives an average of one glacial event per 100,000 years. Only two glacial horizons are associated with extensive hyaloclastites which is taken to indicate that most of the glacial events were of short duration. The rate of growth of the lava pile during the Gauss epoch based on mapping just to the SW of the volcano was found to be close to 100 m per 100,000 years. Groivth rates in the core area of the volcano may have been as much as twice this value. A stratigraphic break occurs at the top of the third acid phase. It is overlain unconformably by a group of hyaloclastites and lavas of more than 200 m thickness ivhich spread into the Húsafell area during the Gilsá event 1.8 m. to 1.6 m. years ago. Before that time several 100 m had been stripp- ed off by erosion and the Húsafell area had be- come part of an extensive peneplain which is still recognizable to the west and north. The valleys which dissect the area are younger than ihe Gilsá event. 1. INTRODUCTION The subject of this study is the uppermost part of a lava pile which borders the Reykjanes— Langjökull volcanic zone on the west. This lava pile shows a regional tilt of 5—8° towards the volcanic zone so that increasingly older rocks



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