
Jökull - 01.12.1974, Side 48

Jökull - 01.12.1974, Side 48
lava flows near Kalmanstunga. A system of SE- wardly dipping basaltic sheets in Selgil points to a center in that direction as does the SE-wardly dipping sheetlike basalt intrusion of Nónborg, southwest of Kalmanstunga. A few eastwardly inclined thin sheets and dykes occur also in Tunga. In both areas there are also a large number of irregularly orientated dykes which do not conform to the system of in- clined sheets. These intrusions are related to the second acid phase which is evident because they are of normal polarity and they do not extend into rocks erupted during the following reversed polarity interval. Rhyolite lavas continued to be erupted after emplacement of the ignimbrite. Two funnel- shajred plugs (Raudakúla and Fálkaklettur) and two flows are exposed in the summit of Tunga and a third to the southwest of Húsafell direct- ly overlying the ignimbrite. At this stage the seconcl acid phase began to decline and the area was inundated by basalts which will be discussed in the next section. Two examples are known of rhyolite flows which were erupted after basaltic volcanism had be- come dominant. The first is exposed in Selgil and Selfjall and is connectecl to its feeder dyke in the southern wall of Selgil. From the feeder it flowed downslope towards the east and grows thicker in that direction. Tlie second flow, which is also the latest belonging to the second acid phase, forms the highest part of Tunga. At the base of this flow are found a tillite, a basaltic hyaloclastite, and at one locality com- pound type olivine tholeiites. The rhyolite flow itself is unique in being made up of a very tliick columnar pitclistone carapace at its top and margins. We believe that it was extruded under subglacial conditions, perhaps during the 6th glacial event, as will be discussed below. 2.2.4 The succession betioeen the second and third acid phases The second ancl third acid phases are found to be separated primarily by compound type olivine tholeiites and liyaloclastites of olivine tholeiite composition but also three horizons indicating glaciations. The thickness of tliis group is about 100—150 m, but more tlian that where hyaloclastites are present. It thins to al- most nothing against the slopes of the central 46 JÖKULL 24. ÁR hillocks of the second acid phase in Tunga and Bæjarfell. Tlioleiites are important locally, especially in Strútur wliere they make up the entire group of which only the upper part is ex- posed, however. At Kalmanstunga the tholeiites are probably in fault contact against rhyolites of the second acid phase. In Fljótstunguháls tholeiites interdigitate with rhyolites of the second acid phase giving way in the upper part of tlie group to olivine tholeiite lavas and liyaloclastites. Residual dips of the tlioleiites in Fljótstunguliáls and south west of Húsafell in- dicate original dips away from the core area of the volcano. The best sections of the group are exposed in the soutliern part of the area between Sel- fjall and Valagil. The lowest glacial horizon (no. 5 of Plate 1) is found near the base of tlie group separated from the Deildargil ignimbrite by a few tholeiite flows. In Deildargil striated boulders are present in the tillite and a striat- ed basement was seen in Hringsgil further east. The upper part of this layer is conglomeritic and on approaching the Bæjarfell hyaloclastite pile, debris fans derived from that source make up most of the layer. It abounds also with acid breccia fragments derived probably from tlie newly erupted ignimbrite. Tliis glacial liorizon is covered by up to 150 m thick olivine tholeiite lavas showing the characteristic flow unit struc- ture typical of lava shields. The flows increase in number towards west. In the slopes above Húsafell farm and in Deildargil only two or three flows make up the entire section, but in Asgil 9 flows are present. A glacial horizon (no. 6 of Plate 1) is intercalated with the olivine tholeiites. Like the first glacial horizon of this group it varies in constitution along the strike. Near Bæjargil it is again composed of debris from the nearby hills. In Hringsgil it is an un- sorted tillite with striated boulders and a gray silty matrix. In Asgil it is represented by a til- lite at the base which is overlain by a 15 m thick fluvial sandstone and conglomerate of primarily liyaloclastite origin. Neither of these two tillite horizons were directly seen to interfinger with volcanic hyalo- clastites, but it seems likely that a hyaloclastite pile exposed in tlie east of Fljótstunguliáls occurs at the same stratigraphic level as the upper liorizon. Piobably contemporaneous witli



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